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Rotarian of the Month: Rick Klobucher

Student of the Month: Laura Severson

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New Member Proposed: Maureen Concannon

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Vol. 14, No. 37, March 18, 2002

Student Of The Month

Laura Severson
Laura Severson

Tim Moriarty introduced Laura Severson, a senior at Bellevue Christian High School who has a 3.75 GPA. Laura is accelerating her coursework for her final year, taking Advance Placement in four courses. Asked to comment about her school life, Laura said she wanted to share another message with the Club. “I learned in the past week about two students, friends of mine who died in a car crash at Tumwater High School. This has been a hard week for many of us. We are reminded to live as if we don’t know if it’s our last day. It’s not like tomorrow will never come. But, we should remain in constant contact with the people who mean the most to us. Send emails, phone, or write a friend. Don’t let the sun set with anger. Love those around you for as long they are around you, because they won’t always be.” Profound words from an accomplished young leader of tomorrow.