Lend a Hand 2003-04
Rotary Club of Bellevue Breakfast District 5030
I, District Governor John Jacob Gardiner, certify that the above named Rotary Club has completed the necessary activities below to qualify for the 2003-04 Presidential Citation. I further certify that the club had 115 members as of 1 July 2003.
Lend a Hand 2003-04 Presidential Citation Certification Form
Lend a Hand to the Family of Rotary
- The Family of Rotary Committee has been established and is operating regularly to support club and family members of the BBRC.
- Family members of the BBRC are routinely invited to social events and work parties throughout the year.
- This committee maintains close contact on attendance and follows up with members who have missed more than two consecutive meetings.
- Gift subscriptions to the "Rotarian" have been forwarded to each surviving spouse of our deceased members.
- New members are routinely invited to serve as chairs for club projects and social events such as our Anniversary Dinner and Rotating the Wheels, Formal orientation for new members have been a part of this club for at least the past eight years and will continue in that manner.
Lend a Hand to Your Club
- While membership recruitment continues, it has not been as successful as one would expect. We have gained five new members this fall and expect to break even for the year. We are implementing a new program focused on bringing in a large number of younger members in the next few months. Emphasize has been directed to all members that they are responsible for initiating the recruitment of new members.
- We continue to ensure that our club is diverse in terms of ethnicity, age and gender while ensuring that the club character remains in tact.
- The Retention Committee has been effective in improving attendance and in slowing membership decline despite the fact that we always lose members during our annual fund raising drive.
- We continue with relationship building for an extension of this club with the formation of a new club in Duvall and hope that this club is chartered prior to the commencement of this year’s District Conference.
Lend a Hand to Your Vocation
- The Vocational Service Committee is involved with Hopelink in assisting them in their job search efforts for a program they have for people with minimal job skills. We also assist these people to be more effective in their writing skills to draft resumes and with role playing for interviews.
- The Career Development Committee has arranged successful mini-career fairs for students attending Sammamish High School, Bellevue Christian High School and Eastside Catholic High School.
- We honor students that attend these schools with Student of the Month awards based upon their community service.
- We have sponsored an at-risk student who graduated from the Eastside Academy and is now enrolled at the Highland Community College. This student was formerly a dropout and is now attending classes in the Arts program at HCC and to ensure he completes his first year, we are paying for two semesters.
Lend a Hand to Your Community
- Projects for Community Service have included Crossroads housing project, two Preserve Planet Earth projects involving high school volunteers, members and their families to replant the banks of the Sammamish River. The giving of Thanksgiving baskets of food for the needy on the Eastside.
- We have distributed hundreds of ESL books to the Bellevue School District and the Kindering Center as speakers’ gifts.
- The Christmas Giving Tree project supplied 100 toys to the needy children from low-income families on the Eastside. We provided financial support to two low income families at Christmas.
- We continue to support each month the activities of Rotary First Harvest.
- We commenced a new project with the recycling of used and operational mobile cell telephones for the women at the Eastside Domestic Violence Center.
Lend a Hand to Our World
- We are expecting to obtain a matching grant for our project in Guatemala in conjunction with Agros and the Guatemala City Los Americas Rotary Club. This project involves the purchase of land and then to uplift the village out of poverty.
- We are involved in a District project designated as the Cambodia Project for the removal of land mines and on educating girls and women on population issues. Once the land mines are removed, the villages will then have potable water and clean sanitation.
- The Prosthetics Outreach Foundation has also been a recipient of our funds to support amputees in many countries in Africa.
- We completed a project in Kingston, Jamaica for the establishment of a dental and medical clinic including all equipment necessary.
- We have recommended a potential Ambassadorial Scholar, Frank So, to represent the BBRC and await the outcome of his application.
Governor’s signature / Date / District 5030
To qualify for the Presidential Citation, each Rotary Club must complete activities according to the number of members in the club. The district governor must sign this form to certify the club’s achievement and mail or fax the form to RI [Recognition Section (PD230), Rotary International, One Rotary Center, 1560 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201-3698, USA, Fax: (847) 328-8554].
District governors will qualify for a 2003-04 Presidential Citation if 50 percent or more of the clubs in the district qualify for a citation and the governor appoints a district Family of Rotary committee.
Please indicate if a district Family of Rotary committee was established: Yes
Eligible governors will receive special recognition for these achievements.
Deadline for submission: 15 April 2004