Get Acquainted With Rotary – Command Performance for New Members
Wayne McCaulley
Wayne McCaulley, representing the New Member Experience (NME), put out a call to all new members over the past two years to attend one of three Get Acquainted Sessions sponsored by District 5030.
In a change of format from previous years, District 5030 has replaced the periodic New Member Assemblies for a series of four regional assemblies. Harkening to suggestions from members, the District leadership has moved the former meetings from a Saturday morning to a Wednesday evening. Sensitive to members’ complaints about competition for time with family, the meetings will condense the old format from 4 hours down to and hour and 40 minutes (5:20 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.)
The topic of “Getting Acquainted with Rotary” is designed to explore the District’s impact on Rotary programs to new members joining clubs since July 1, 2002. The first gathering is Wednesday, January 22, 5:20 to 7:00 p.m. at Bellevue Community College.
The meeting is set for room N201 in the Northwest Center for Emerging Technologies building. New members from all Eastside clubs are asked to attend. Also attending will be membership chairs, club presidents and presidents-elect. Those planning to attend from the BBRC are asked to email Jenny Andrews, jandrews@verus-tech.com, by Friday, January 17, 2003.
For those BBRC members who live or work in Seattle, a second “Get Acquainted with Rotary” assembly will take place at the Museum of Flight, 5:20-7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 29. Again, please email Jenny with your intent to attend no later than Friday, January 24, 2003.
And, a third Get Acquainted Session has been scheduled for North End Rotarians on Thursday evening, February 13, at 5:00 p.m. at the Shoreline Community College Canteen. Parking is free. The Shoreline Community College is located at 16101 Greenwood Avenue N. Complete directions can be found on the college web site: www.shoreline.ctc.edu. Again, email Jenny if you plan to attend this session.