Rotarian of the Month: Mary Bell
Working hard to catch up on awards to Club members, President Goldfarb neared closer to current timeframes by awarding Mary Truesdell the Rotarian-of-the-Month plaque for the month of October.
Mary has been seen hard at work at the cashier’s desk, handling the outpouring of donations to the American Red Cross, as the result of the World Trade Center bombings. The Club contributed $8,228, and Mary had a watchful eye over the entire process.
In addition, Mary and her husband, Cameron, volunteered their home for the first BBRC ROSE, a social gathering on August 4 at their home in Preston.
Mary has also taken her turn as one of the Club’s cashiers and is frequently seen playing the lead role in the famous BBRC Peanut Players skits.
For her unlimited energy and support, Mary is the proud recipient of the October Rotarian-of-the-Month award!