Sergeant At Arms Corner
 Mary Bell (L) & Sayoko Powell
Sergeant Mary Bell noted Club anniversaries and birthdays for September. So far, it hadn’t cost anyone anything. But, then came the video of a Habitat for Humanity project. It was a news clip from Channel 5, and toward the end of the story, up popped Sayoko Powell, who was in charge of food service, supervising the menu for the large crew of workers. When the workers were fed, the story ended (at least on video), and now, we take you back LIVE to the BBRC.
Sergeant Bell observed that the “General of the Kitchen, or ‘Boss,’ was very proficient in planning, creating, supervising and executing a discriminating menu from a variety of ethnicities.” Instead of fining Sayoko, these two conspirators combined their efforts to auction off Sayoko’s cooking prowess. Colly Radford and Don Deasy got into a bitter bidding war, which ended when the two combatants joined together to purchase Sayoko’s menu for $300! Mary threw in a bottle of wine, just to show her magnanimosity. At a time and place to be determined, Ms. Powell will concoct a tremendously fine meal for four, with Radford and Deasy the beneficiaries. And, the SAA Kitty is $300 richer because of this latest shtick.
Habitat for Humanity is on schedule to build 20 more townhouses over the next 2 years for low-income families.