Brian Evison
Friday Potpourri
President Evison opened the meeting with an introduction of Shelley Noble, who delivered the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. Scott Sadler greeted but one visiting Rotary, Jim Trombold, Mercer Island Rotary. There were several guests of Rotarians who were duly introduced and recognized.
 Shelley Noble & Scott Sadler
Jim Kindsvater pointed and shot the camera during the absence of Ernie Hayden.
Ruben Ladlad received his second Blue Badge from an embarrassed President Brian, who presented the badge to a Rotarian who already had one! Oh well, it pays to be thorough!
Preserve Planet Earth committee meets this Friday, immediately following the morning meeting. The call was made by Chair Vicky Hunsicker Sanko.
President Evison reported that three resignations had been regretfully accepted. Mark Esteb, Doug Engberg, and Bill Knoppi cited business or personal reasons for their actions.
President-Elect Norm Johnson gave a brief sketch of the activities happening in his area:
The BBRC Rotary Centennial Project will have a follow-up meeting this week with the Bellevue Parks Department to review the proposal for the Special Needs play area and gather information for the formal submission to the Foundation Committee. Each of Rotary’s 31,561 clubs is gearing up to participate in a local project that will mark the organization’s 100th year in 2005.
The New Member Committee met at 7:00 AM on September 1st, 2003. Will Einstein presented a solid program on Club Service 1. The next meeting will be a Fireside at the home of President Brian Evison on Thursday October 2nd.
Raffle update shows the first month is history and we are tracking the performance of the last two years with $25,289 turned in as of September 5th.2003. (Prior years: 2001: $23, 824 and 2002: $22,146.)