Business Week Report
 L-R: Farjad Fani, Lindsey Binder & Ryan Darth
Three students from area high schools received scholarships to attend Washington Business Week this past summer. They returned to report on their activities and observations.
Lindsey Binder, Eastside Catholic High School, Ryan Darth and Farjad Fani, both of Sammamish, gave eyewitness reviews of their week. Ryan said the format called for a “simulation of running a business, which resulted in lots of teambuilding.” The students were particularly impressed with the course, which took them to one of four college campuses: Eastern, Central or Western or Gonzaga. Lindsey noted the “advisors from successful businesses who volunteered their time to make this week successful for us. I enjoyed working with a variety of different people and I gained a lot of knowledge that I’ll use forever.” Farjad said he “made a lot of lifelong friends. I was impressed about the focus on ethics. The mentorship was invaluable and I can’t wait to give back to my community.”
Pretty impressive line-up of young people, benefiting by their attendance at Business Week. Thanks to the committee and to John Sheeran for this special part of Friday’s meeting.