The membership received a card from Brian Evison, saying, “To my friends at the BBRC. Please accept our heartfelt thanks during the recent loss of my mother.”
Paul and Amy Juul have moved into assisted living at Brighton Gardens, 15241 NE 20th, Bellevue 98007. Their Rotarian friends are welcome to visit, drop a card, or call! Their new numbers are: (425) 644-7062 or (425)746-0881. “May God bless you all for your good hearts, good service, good deeds, and good friendship. The Juuls have discontinued their email service.
Friday Potpourri
 Bill Brooks (L) and Rourke O’Brien (R) greet Bob Vallat at Friday’s meeting.
President Brian opened the meeting on another beautiful day at Glendale. He introduced Bill Brooks for the invocation and the pledge to the flag. Rourke O’Brien greeted eleven visiting Rotarians, including Bill Perry and Mike Luiten, Bellevue Sunrise; Jerry Burtenshaw and Grace Chien, Seattle #4; Kathy Johnson, Issaquah; Roger Morse, Kent; Jim Trombold and David Bobanick, Mercer Island; Marvin Coe, Port Orchard; Jim Hebert, Bellevue; and David Baumgart, Clinton, South Carolina!
Bill Brooks, again, received his purdy red badge on Friday from President Brian.