Classification Talk: Valoree Dowell
 Valoree Dowell, on the left ... no, the right ... no, the left ... and Jeanne Thorsen.
Valoree Dowell, classification “Biotechnology Consultant,” stepped up to the lectern to deliver her classification talk. Valoree was inducted in early March and was a 6-year member of Seattle #4 before advancing to the BBRC. For her first act, Valoree called three of her Rotary sisters front and center to explain who she wasn’t: I’m not Jeanne Thorsen (hug); I’m not Vicky Sanko, although our names start with “V” (squeeze); and I’m not Mary Bell (“In my dreams!”).
That taken care of, Valoree told about her work in the biotech industry working for Immunex when it had but 100 employees. She was in charge of public and media relations, keeping contact with such organizations as Congress and the Legislature. At her retirement, the company had 2,000 employees and since has sold the company to Amgen.
“It was great science that produced a miracle drug. I thoroughly enjoyed my once in a lifetime experience.” She is still consulting with startups in the biotech field. But her new full-time career is to spend time with those I love. Husband Steve, who is retired Navy, and two sons, Shane, attending Thomas Aquinas College in California, and Thomas, a student at Trinity College in Dublin. “We love to do day trips, and I enjoy puttering in the garden.”
The couple joined Glendale Country Club, enjoying golfing at its finest. The newest addition to the family is Steve’s mother. The Dowells are helping her grow old gracefully. “My other interest is our community – I’m active in Girl Scouts; Washington Literacy Council, where both Steve and I read to disadvantaged daycare kids once a week; and, of course, Rotary.”