Dale Hemphill Passes Away
 Dale Hemphill
The Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club sadly marked the passing Monday night of one of its illustrious members with the announcement of the death of Dale Hemphill, 72. Dale had been admitted to Overlake Hospital late last week.
Dale was President of Hemphill Consulting Engineers, where he had built up a reputation in soil and foundation investigation and design; seismic designs; slope stability studies; house damage investigation and recommendations for repair; drainage design and investigations; retaining wall and rockery design; and “anything else that touches soil or rock.” Dale was an author of technical books and the author of 20 computer programs for engineering design and analysis. His Rotary classification was Geotechnical Engineer. READ MORE
 Eastside Academy Executive Director Greg Stone
Eastside Academy – Making a Difference in Young People’s Lives
Greg Stone, Executive Director of Bellevue’s Eastside Academy, gave a powerful look into the challenges that come with preparing at-risk high school students spiritually, academically, emotionally, socially, and physically to complete requirements for a high school diploma and transition successfully to the workplace or college. This Christian alternative high school is housed at the First Presbyterian Church in Bellevue.
The Academy has a teaching staff of two teachers, a principal, and over thirty volunteers from the community as it “eagerly anticipates the start of its third school year this week.” Stone said they’ll have an enrollment of 25 students, with a wait list of over 20 young people. READ MORE
Fireside Coming!
The first Fireside in a long time will be held at Brian Evison’s home this coming Thursday evening (September 4), commencing at 7:30 p.m. It’s open to new members and their partners. BBRC Board members will also attend. Brian’s address is 11800 NE 36th Pl, Bellevue 98005.
Thought for the Week
In education, we are striving not to teach youth to make a living, but to make a life.
THIS WEEK Dr. Nichole Gibran, Director of Harborview Hospital Medical Center’s Burn Unit, presents an overview of what kinds of cases the burn unit sees and advances in burn care. Bring a guest or a potential new member to the Glendale Country Club this coming Friday, September 5. Buffet breakfast at 7:00 a.m, club meeting at 7:30 and program at 8:00 a.m.
ADMIN CORNER First quarter is two-thirds history. Those who haven’t brought their account up to date can do so by remitting balance to BBRC, PO Box 3003, Bellevue, WA 98009-3003. Or, you may bring your credit card and pay at the cashier’s desk. Thank you for keeping current!
Sage Sayings from the John Deere Company: (At last week’s Evergreen State Fair, these sayings were posted in the cow barns by a Rotarian family from East Jefferson County who were displaying their Angus cattle. Now you know the rest of the story!)
“When grass is dry at morning light, rain will come before the night. When dew is on the morning grass, rain will never come to pass.”
“When ropes twist, forget your hay.”
“Halos around the moon, rain is coming soon.”
“Fog on a summer morn means a fair day.”
“When birds fly it means clear sky.”
“When a cow thumps her ribs with her tail, expect thunder, rain, lightning and hail.”
“When pigs fly, cows will lay eggs.”
“It’s always a good day when pigs fly!”