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Afraid To Ask

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Vol. 14, No. 30, January 28, 2002

Afraid To Ask
The following vignette has its applications for Rotarians.

We used to play spin the bottle when I was a kid," says comedy writer Gene Perret. "A girl would spin the bottle, and if the bottle pointed to you when it stopped, the girl could either kiss you or give you a nickel. By the time I was 14, I owned my own home."

Rejection is hard to take. Especially when it comes from someone you know. Or don't know.

Football coach Bum Phillips once said, "There's only two kinds of coaches: them that's been fired and them that's about to be fired." Now there is an occupation that is familiar with rejection!

Few things hold people back more than the fear of rejection. They don't ask for what they need because the answer may be no. They don't ask their boss for a raise or for more time off. They don't ask for help from people they do not know well. They are afraid to be the first to say, "I love you." They don't ask for a better deal or a lower interest rate. They don't submit that manuscript to be considered for publishing. In short, they don't let their wants and needs be known, for fear of being turned away.

But the wonderful truth is this: If you can accept ”no” for an answer, you can ask for anything! When it is okay to be rejected, you can fearlessly ask for whatever you need.

It is also true that you will not receive if you do not ask. So don't be afraid to ask! All they can say is ”no”! And you may be surprised at the number of people willing to help. They were waiting to be asked.

What do you need to ask for today?

© 2002 Steve Goodier

[Rotarians should never be afraid to ask … ask how they can become involved, how they can be of service, whether they can assist someone or some group out of a jam or ask prospective new members to consider joining Rotary. Remember, each member has been invited to join and we should never be afraid to ask.]