Vol. 14, No. 13, October 1, 2001

 Lou Webb Returns

Lou Webb
Lou Webb

The inventor of the Worldwide Webb, Lou returned for his annual sweep through Puget Sound, as the Colorado-based couple of Lou and Marilyn visit family in the Bellevue area.

Lou served as the BBRC's first president for two terms totaling 18 months, beginning January 18, 1986, when the Club was formally chartered, and continuing through June 30, 1987. The BBRC received its charter from Rotary International on November 20, 1985, and two months later, the Club held its first meeting.

Friday, Lou arrived just in time to participate in a Past Presidents Skit. Incidentally, Lou said he is a regular reader of the Reveille, as he is included in the weekly email reminder that the latest issue has been posted. He enjoys keeping track of the antics of his old club. He also confided that the Reveille "is the best darn bulletin in Rotary. I've told several Colorado clubs to go in and look at it and contact you to see how it's done." So far, we're waiting for the call.

Great to see you, Lou. You looked wonderful in that shawl and wheelchair!