

RI 2001-2002 THEME

Vol 14, No 13      October 1, 2001


John Mix

Jim Kindsvater



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Dr. Albert B. Einstein, Jr.

Cancer: Are We Winning the War?
Dr. Albert B. Einstein, Jr.
, Executive Director of Seattle's Swedish Cancer Institute, posed the question for this week's program in his report of progress being made in the War on Cancer.

"On September 11, we all were consumed with feelings of shock, fear, grief and anger when the events in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania unfolded. Cancer patients and their families have exactly the same emotions. It's simply the normal human response," related Dr. Einstein. MORE

Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?

Deasy, Moloney
Past prezzes Don Deasy (L) and Bob Moloney – a little long in the teeth.

Led by the sorriest bunch of reprobates you've ever seen, the latest Raffle Update took a geriatric turn Friday as the Club's Past Presidents performed as a panel for "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" Introduced by Chuck Barnes, the old-timers entered the room in various states of disrepair, highlighted by Lou Webb's reappearance in a fashionable plaid shawl and wheelchair. Led by a hobbling Don Chandler, the crew faithfully represented their eyewitness view of the Battle of Yorktown. MORE

Cure Autism Now

Bill Krueger

The BBRC's favorite sports reporter and analyst, Bill Krueger, paid the Club a visit Friday with an update on his favorite charity, Cure Autism Now (CAN) Foundation. Bill and his wife have an autistic daughter, which has drawn them into the fight against this crippling disorder. On Saturday, October 6, CAN will honor Senator and Mrs. Slade Gorton for the Senators support of legislation designed to increase the intensity of autism research. The funding was part of his Children's Health Act of 2000. The ceremony will take place as the highlight of "A Season of Hope for Autism," a dinner and auction at the Elliott Grand Hyatt in Seattle. BBRC members are invited to attend and participate. Donations to CAN will also be accepted.

Krueger is a former Mariner pitcher, now throwing left-handed curves on Fox Sports Northwest during the Seattle team's record-breaking season.

You can learn more about Cure Autism Now by logging in to their website or by emailing the Foundation.

It would be worth it to attend this affair at the new Elliott Grand Hyatt, because you get to turn left into "porte-cochere." We hope Bill will return soon to report on that experience!

It's professional basketball season just around the corner and Wally Walker, President of the NBA SuperSonics, will give us pointers about the coming season and what players to look for to carry the Sonics banner into the playoffs. Breakfast at 7:00 a.m., meeting at 7:30, and program at 8:00 a.m. Bring a guest for a great time this Friday morning, October 5, at the Glendale Country Club.

I know none of you would be happy unless I provided you with an update on my (and therefore, by extension, your) computer problems. Seems Windows 98 is corruptible, just like your Administrator. Since last Wednesday, I have been unable to enter any programs because of a curious "freezing up" of the cursor. Therefore, no access to Clubmate, for instance, which keeps your attendance statistics and sends out your bills. With the help of a great guru, I've been able to transfer Clubmate to my mate's nearby computer and am using it now to communicate with you. Prayers would be useful in seeing to it that all of this runs okay on borrowed equipment until the primary unit is fixed. So ends the latest chapter. By the way, I've have had major computer problems with Clubmate, worms, and corrupts on December 30, 2000; June 30, 2001; and September 30, 2001. I'm getting to be uncomfortable when the billing is due!

For you newcomers, a reminder that Rotary operates on a fiscal year system, with the new year beginning on July 1. Thus, July 1 to September 30 is the FIRST QUARTER; October 1 to December 31 is the SECOND QUARTER; January 1 to March 31 is the THIRD QUARTER; and April 1 to June 30 is the FOURTH QUARTER. Just thought you'd like to know.

Thanks to all of you who paid your dues prior to the cutoff on September 30. This will make it easier to send out the billing. Be watching for your precious bill!

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not stop questioning.

– A. Einstein