Past President HoJo
Friday’s meeting was opend by Past President Howard Johnson, who introduced new member Milt Smith, to offer
the invocation and pledge to the flag. Mary Truesdell welcomed four visiting Rotarians and former member Dick Green. Truesdell dissed Don Deasy, to the delight of the crowd.
Continued sign-ups for members attending the District Conference in Vancouver were stressed by Conference Co-Chairperson Sharon Edberg
. She has registration forms available. The BBRC is offering a $100 rebate on the $175 registration fee for any person who attends. Contact Sharon for more information, or see this previous article on the District Conference.
Dick Brown reported that the annual Rotating the Wheels Dinner, which
signals the end of the Rotary year and welcomes the new administration, will be held Friday evening, June 29, 2001, at the Columbia Winery in Woodinville.
Good news from Dale Hemphill: he’s been undergoing treatment for lung
cancer for the past two months and he reported Friday that “a CAT scan revealed no sign of the disease.” This news was greeted by an enthusiastic
round of applause! Dale will finish out two more treatments and then accept a role as the King in “Anna and the King of Siam.”
On the fellowship calendar, Don Chandler announced that a block of seats has been reserved for the night of Wednesday, May 16
, to see the Village Theater’s production of “West Side Story.” Save the date! More details to follow.