









ANNUAL RAFFLE: 2005 Raffle Preseason | About the Raffle | 2004 Raffle Winner



Vol. 17, No. 49, June 6, 2005


This Reveille Home Page | The Friday Program: Eastern Washington University & BCC ­ A New Initiative | We Get Letters | Friday Potpourri | Time of Reckoning & Recognition for Rotary Foundation | A Vocational Service Mini Assembly | WCS Makes Final Grant | Major Technological Breakthrough | Web Fun


"Fear of Public Speaking," Dr. Joyannah Lonnes, specializing in teaching people how to overcome fear of public speaking with a technique called Emotional Fear Technique. If your palms sweat, knees shake, and ythroat dries up when you’re in front of a crowd, you’ll be entertained and enlightened by Dr. Lonnes.


Fourth Quarter has only three meetings remaining. The Rotary Year will close with the annual Rotating the Wheels Dinner at the Mercer Island Beach Club, the evening of June 24. The next Friday is July 1, 2005, the first day of the new Lingenbrink regime. On that date, another quarterly billing will go out. Yes, time does march on, and somehow even more quickly than before!

If your work life has changed in any way, and you’d like a change in your classification, please contact the Club Administrator.

The Friday Program:
Eastern Washington University & BCC ­
A New Initiative

x0606Speaker2The former Interim President and Provost and now President of Eastern Washington University (EWU), Dr. Brian Levin-Stankevich was the featured speaker at the BBRC Friday morning. Dr. Levin-Stankevich was educated in New York and has degrees from the State University of New York in Buffalo. He received his post graduate degrees in Florida.

EWU is one of four regional universities in the state. “In 1882, Benjamin Cheney (pronounced Chee-ney) founded the school by giving $10,000 and the land to establish an institution of higher education in the eastern part of the state. The geographical disconnect in our state sometimes makes it difficult to make citizens aware of what is happening all over the state of Washington,” said Dr. Brian.

This is especially true for support for higher education in general and post secondary education. The president asked, “What kind of messages are we sending to our young people? As the need for quality higher education continues to increase, overall support has continued in a downward spiral. The role in regional economic development is an important one for a University like EWU. We have a major Air Force base, a state hospital, and a state university that play a big role in shaping the development of the Spokane-Cheney area.”

In 1950, 20% of jobs required a post secondary education. In 2000, that figure had risen to 56%. Today, 20.2% of the people in the State of Washington hold baccalaureate degrees, “which means we’re already behind.” People who hold degrees make nearly twice as much as high school graduates — $48,000 to $26,000.

One of the major thrusts of a regional university is to offer high education to a broad spectrum of potential students by keeping costs low, making it possible for many more students to attend. “We are the third-largest provider of graduate degrees behind UW and WSU in the state of Washington. The quality of our faculty is excellent and its work is focused on teaching. We are focusing on students whom you wouldn’t expect to succeed. Our faculty works exceptionally hard. It’s a noble mission.”

Dr. Levin-Stankevich says “we have short-changed our youth. Support for education has declined by 18% from state appropriations. Many EWU grads leave school with no debt. We are fighting the myth that it costs $40,000 a year for higher education. That is simply not the case. One quarter of our student body comes from Western Washington and we’re ready in 2008 for the largest high school class to graduate.”

x0606Speaker3EWU is offering classes at many different educational institutions around the state. The school has developed programs, like dental hygiene, which are unique. Eastern Washington at Bellevue Community College allows students to earn a BA in applied technology, inter-disciplinary studies, plus an accredited program in Business. Not only does BCC have a role in helping to shape the curriculum, but officials at EWU seek out area educations to determine program needs. The president said that existing laws prevent some universities from offering new and unique programs. There are competitiveness issues that put up roadblocks to broadening the extent of offerings.

Dr. Levin-Stankevich says that “Eastern’s role is one of providing hope of completing a college education ... hope that students can achieve something more than the traditions currently held by many families. We need help to support EWU and other regional universities. We are trying very hard to specialize and deliver educational products to the points of demand throughout our state.”

The president said one way Rotarians could help is to fill the need for internships available to our students. Statistics show that 65% of those participating in internships land the internship as a permanent job. This is good business for companies throughout the state. You know the quality of the student intern before they are hired.

For his presentation, Dr. Levin-Stankevich was awarded a certificate noting that 1,220 pounds of fresh food has been donated by Rotary First Harvest in his name. Our thanks to Jim Gordon for his introduction.





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2005 Raffle Preseason | About the Raffle | 2004 Raffle Winner

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