Reverend Barry Keating
Catholics can’t be trusted.’ ‘They are trying to outbreed us.’ ‘Their
hygiene isn’t very good.’ Growing up in Belfast, that’s what I
learned,” said Barry Keating. Today, the pastor of the
Maplewood Presbyterian Church in Edmonds has a powerful message of
reconciliation, not only for his native Ireland, but for the world at
Keating brought his story of overcoming prejudice to the BBRC Friday
and left his audience reflective and impressed.
after coming to the U.S., I got a job in a prison in Philadelphia. This
was a job to ‘educate Barry.’ Out of 700 prisoners, 690 were black. The
prison guard in charge of my education told me that “blacks in America
can’t be trusted, they are trying to outbreed us, their hygiene isn’t
very good, etc. The place and circumstances were changed but the
rhetoric was the same.” READ MORE
Rotary First Harvest’s Apples
Kevin Jewell, BBRC’s Representative on the
Rotary First Harvest board, reminds members of a big undertaking this
Saturday. “Many of you might have seen the article in the October
3rd Times about Rotary First Harvest. It reported that RFH had
collected about 350,000 pounds of apples from Yakima. If all goes per
plan, this coming Saturday, October 11, from 9:00
am-12:00 noon, the RFH work party will be packaging apples for
distribution to local food banks.
second Saturday of every month is the RFH work party at pier 91. To
make it is easier for our members to attend, we will have a car pool.
Meet at the NW corner of the SE 8th (I-405) Park & Ride Saturday
about 8:15 AM.
promises “not to deluge your inbox with messages about RFH. Now that
summer is over, I wanted to remind everyone about the second Saturday
of the month. Make plans today to join our crew from the BBRC on
Saturday and help process this big load of apples.”
who attend receive a make-up and there are those who definitely need

Tom Purdy

Sharon Edberg’s bowling shoes.
Powell announced that University Rotary Club has thrown down the
gauntlet for a joint meeting which envisions members from each club
participating in a Bowling Tournament on Fraiday, October 24, at
Leilani Lanes, Seattle. Tom Purdy has taken charge to arrange
for the BBRC’s participation. The $13 fee includes two hours of
bowling, shoe rental, and Hales Ales Pub: Dutch Treat. For more
information, check
out the flyer!
for the Week
greatest and noblest pleasure which people can have in this world is to
discover new truths, and the next is to shake off old prejudices.
A change of programs for this coming Friday! Brian Davis, voice of the Seattle Seahawks,
will give an update on the team’s positive start and give some pointers
on play-by-play in professional football. Bring a friend, a neighbor –
all potential members to the Glendale Country Club at 7:00 a.m.
this Friday morning for a delicious breakfast buffet, an exciting
meeting at 7:30 and a scrimmage at 8:00!
Notes of interest
Jim Zidar reports the Raffle Committee has made
a decision to cancel the selling site scheduled for November 1 and
2 at QFC North Mercer Island.
Larry Gill comes out of Rotary retirement long
enough to take flattering pictures of new members, this coming
Friday morning, October 10 beginning at 6:45 a.m. These digitals
will go on your directory page on the website. Candidates for portraits
include: David Bolson, Valoree Dowell, Jim Gordon, Cyril Faulkner,
Rich Hammond, Nick Paget, Bill Brooks, Tom Miller and Rob LoBosco.
Secretary Callan has decreed a re-do of the
Badge Box. We do this about twice a year. This event will take place
right after the meeting of October 17 – just in time for
Halloween – horrors! Look for your badge in a slightly new spot
when you come to the meeting on October 24. Remember, there’s a
full roster list on the Badge Box lid and a number on the back of your
badge. That’s where you belong!!
I don't see the sense of increasing horsepower and top speed in the new
cars with traffic the way it is. The other week on an Interstate
highway, I had to leave the car twice to make payments!