Board Actions
The BBRC Board of Directors, at their regular second Tuesday meeting at Glendale, regretfully accepted the resignation of Terry Gotham. Terry will join Seattle #4, a move that fits more appropriately in his work situation. Terry worked as one of Treasurer John Martinka’s cashiers and was a near-100% attender. He was a fine member and we will miss him.
The Board also granted a leave of absence to Dale Hemphill while he recovers from radiation treatment. The leave is for 90 days, retroactive to January 1.
Gene Tonnemaker, Past District Governor in 1990 and chair of Club Extension, appeared before the Board to outline the prospects of the BBRC sponsoring a new Rotary Club in Duvall. Tonnemaker, having met with a representative of the community, along with John Mix, has determined that “interest exists for an effort to move forward toward chartering a new Rotary Club in Duvall.” He pointed out that there are no service clubs in that community, and potential members have recognized the need for such an entity. A list of potential members has been drawn and informal polls have been taken to gauge interest. The Board accepted the challenge by approving Tonnemaker’s request that the BBRC become the Sponsoring Club. John Mix volunteered to be a part of the steering committee to be appointed by President Goldfarb.
Club Service II Director Bob McNulty brought forth five applications for membership, all of which were approved. They included Ernie Hayden, sponsored by Jim Kindsvater; Brenda Ludwig, sponsored by Jenny Andrews and Rourke O’Brien; Ken Perine, sponsored by Paul Martin; Polly Stansell, sponsored by Rourke O’Brien; and Jeanne Thoreson, sponsored by Jane Kuechle and Norm Johnson.