Vol. 14, No. 16, October 22, 2001

Homeless Youth Teen Feed
The Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club served dinner for the University YMCA Homeless Youth Teen Feed Program Saturday evening. Chaired by Community Service Committee Chairperson Susan Harrison, the crew consisted of John and Jan Martinka and two of their kids, Dick Clarke and his friend from University Sunrise, and Susan’s mom, Marylane Harrison.

Susan went to Costco Friday and stocked up on the menu items. She did research on and purchased a large food warming tray and electrical adapters, and then Saturday afternoon cooked the food. Says Susan, “I was excited to see that almost all of the food was used up this time and that we had a pretty good crowd. We went through 8 casseroles, a huge pan of rice and beans, a large bowl of salad, 4 trays of cookies, 64 juice cartons, two gallons of milk, 80 cheese sticks, and a crock pot full of buttered corn.”

Susan’s report went on: “Everyone from Rotary loved the experience and appreciated being there. Rotarians were able to tour the doctor's medical van and YMCA hygiene dispensary. I was able to learn from the doctor about the challenges of creating the same program on Broadway. Once again, the teenagers were polite and sweet and enjoyed being loved with our attention to them … really a great time. I know that at Thanksgiving the Rotary group will be making a turkey dinner.”