Friday Potpourri
 Robin Anderson (L) and Peter Stadelman (R) greet Kim Shrader.
With a scratchy voice from Safeco Field, President Goldfarb opened the proceedings, calling on Dr. Peter Stadelman for the invocation and pledge. Robin Anderson introduced three visiting Rotarians, posing the question: “Who would you like to be?” Several guests of Rotarians were also introduced.
Sergeant at Arms Jay Powers, he of many stories and jokes and soothing style of extracting money from members, approached Terry
 Jay Powers
Baker, who recently became Commodore of the Queen City Yacht Club. Terry shared that the Club represented “450 boats,” but, thankfully for Terry, he only paid $2.00 for the notoriety.
The Club sang Happy Birthday to a whole host of members. Represented by his counsel Dick Brown, Don Chandler’s name was missing from the list. Either Don doesn’t have a birthday, or he’s been taking advantage of having people sing to him. No fine either way, since the SAA has immunity.
Mike Hyodo was left a nice hat by one of his patients. Guess that Steve Lingencuspid was in for a check-up and left his new calling card. With “SGL” emblazoned on the front and on the back, Steve paid $5.00 for excessive advertising.
President Goldfarb paid a fine for sending a flyer to “Rick” DeWater. Something about Presidential Immunity – $2.00.