Vol. 14, No. 7, August 20, 2001

 Sergeant At Arms Spotlight

Jay Powers
Jay Powers

Jay Powers must be getting into the swing of things, as he received a really quality “boo” from his constituents.

Terry Peterson was fined $5.00 for an article in a local publication telling “How to escape the slow economy.”

John Mix
John Mix and his Idaho Hemp.

At the behest of Wendy Fischer, John Mix was fined $2.00 for bringing Idaho Hemp, disguised as Idaho Sagebrush, to the meeting. Mix had the fine put on his account. The neatest twist out of this story was prior to the meeting, when the sagebrush was being distributed at each place setting. A conversation with Mario and Claudia of the staff of Glendale revealed that in their country, the sage was a symbol of home, and when a person left home, they always took some sage with them. Sage is translated as “no me olvides” or “don’t forget me.” That’s all John Mix has ever wanted!

Wayne McCaulley was tagged $5.00 for a travel article, which prompted Powers to expound on one of his famous shaggy dog stories. Why do they call them Shaggy Dog stories? This one was about a guy getting a haircut, so that would be shaggy. Anyway, the punch line was “Italy was great! The airline was great. The hotel was great. And, I was the one millionth person to visit the Vatican and was rewarded with a private audience with the Pope – when I knelt down, he said, “That’s the worst looking haircut I’ve ever seen!” [You had to have been there.]