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O’Brien On Fire

Raffle Report compiled by Margie Burnett, CPA

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Vol. 13, No. 10, September 5, 2000

 O’Brien On Fire

Sergeant At Arms Rourke O’Brien gave a report on one of District 5030’s Exchange students last year, Stefano, who attended several BBRC meetings. Stefano is recovering from an accident where he fell and suffered head injuries. He was in a coma for 13 days, but he is reported on his way to recovery.

Rick Klobucher was grilled by the Sergeant. Seems Rick is under some stress, trying to pay for college tuition and costs, with two of his children entering college. His daughter has enrolled at Whitman and all is well. His son has enrolled at Notre Dame, some small Midwest school. In order to pay costs, Rick’s son received an ROTC scholarship, which means a 4-year hitch in the Marines when he graduates. Fine was $5.00 for guilt by association.

Tony Banks
Tony Banks: contrite?

No-shows at Raffle Selling Time included Steve Peters, Tony Banks and Chris Ballard. Each paid $2.00 for missing their turn. All were very contrite, especially Banks. Howard Johnson, Bob Moloney, Larry Gill, and Mark Hough were fined $1.00 each for the bonanza they received because the other three guys didn’t show. Don’t say the SAA isn’t fair!


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