Greeters Kim Shrader (l) and Chuck Barnes (r) offer a fine how-do-you-do to Bob McNulty.
Invocation was given by Chuck Barnes, who then led the pledge to the flag. Kim Shrader introduced four visiting Rotarians and orchestrated the introduction of four guests
of Rotarians. (This data compiled by Cub Reporter Terry Gotham)
President Kopczynski reported that the September Board of Directors meeting would be postponed one week because of a lack of quorum. The new meeting date is Tuesday, September 19, 2000,
7:00 a.m., at the Bellevue Club. All members are welcome.
The Club Picnic at Remlinger Farms is a “go,” according to picnic planners. It’s set from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Farm in Carnation. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for kids. Contact Wendi Fischer or Dick Brown for details.
Mark Esteb reminded members who have enrolled in the “Choices” program that there is a training session this Friday, September 8.
Youth Services Committee will meet immediately following this week’s meeting at Glendale.
Earl Falk has invited everyone to join him and other District Rotarians for the monthly work party at Pier 91 in Seattle for Rotary First Harvest. Bring the family from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon.
Ted Ederer wants members to know that Rotarian Jane Kuechle is now a staff member of King County United Way. “If you want to run a campaign, talk to Jane,” rhymed Ted.