New Member Committee Conclave
Five new members attended the monthly, First-Tuesday Coffee Hour at Jitters, in the Sears shopping center, on August 5. Joining them were six old members!
Jim Zidar, Raffle Sales Manager
The topic was the Raffle, attracting Raffle Chair Norm Johnson and his Raffle Sales Manager Jim Zidar. Zidar was five days into retirement from his 33-years at the Big-X, and he led a discussion on how to sell tickets, relating some great stories about the fun we’ve had over the years. Mary Bell chatted about the use of email and letter-writing to make contact with potential donors.
The attendance list included: Mary Bell, David Bolson, Jenny Andrews, Vicky Hunsicker Sanko, Howard Johnson, Jim Gordon, Nick Paget, Cyril Faulkner, Wayne McCaulley, Jim Zidar, and Norm Johnson.