The Blues Brothers
Wendi Fischer & Norm Johnson
Norm Johnson and Jim Zidar, the one-two punch for the 2003 Raffle, announced the Raffle Team will host a Raffle School this coming Friday, August 15, immediately following the Club’s regular meeting. The Raffle School begins promptly at 8:30 and will give special insight into selling at the various store sites and successful letter-writing campaigns. Stick around next week and learn a lot right after the meeting.
NoJo refuted the saying “old dogs can’t learn to dance” (Who said that?) by introducing Wendi Fischer, who has ordered up labels from Norm that will make it a snap to fill out the raffle ticket stubs. Wendi has already sold $500 worth of tickets. That’s 250 labels, which relieves her of the task of having to write the buyer’s name. If you’ve sold a lot of tickets to one person, make it easy on yourself and order labels from Norm. He can give you instructions on what he needs to know. Do it – or get writer’s cramp!