Vol. 14, No. 35, March 4, 2002

Sergeant At Arms at Work

Jay Powers, with the power invested in him, raised a few bucks for the Sergeant’s kitty. First, though, was a paean to March birthdays and Club anniversaries.

Celebrating March birthdays are:

    Bob Moloney, March 5
    Howard Johnson, March 7
    Steve Waltar, March 15
    Scott Hildebrand, March 16
    Will Einstein, March 27
    Rob Lemmon, March 27

March is a busy month for Rotarians joining the BBRC. Fully, 13 members call March their anniversary month:

    John Mix, 16 years
    Howard Johnson, 15 years
    Norm Johnson, 13 years
    Jan Nestler, 12 years
    Lynne Gauthier, 9 years
    Mike Hyodo, 8 years
    Sadru Kabani, 7 years
    John Larry May, 7 years
    Jenny Andrews, 5 years
    Jane Kuechle, 5 years
    Mary Truesdell, 5 years
    Nancy Prior, 1 year
    Milt Smith, 1 year

Kemper Freeman, Bellevue Rotary Club, was recognized as the new Chairman of the Overlake Hospital Board.

Nancy Prior was interviewed about her recent marriage and world-wide fling for a honeymoon. (See related story.)

Andrews, Powers
Judge Jenny & Jay Powers
Lingenbrink, Andrews, Powers
Steve Lingenbrink, Judge Jenny & Jay Powers

All of a sudden, Judge Jenny came on the scene to confront the Sergeant At Arms for some over-advertising received in the past two weeks. Seems Mr. Powers has acquired the venture capital arm of Coldstream. Of course, BBRC members learned about this through a broadcast email and then, a follow-up article in the Puget Sound Business Journal, featuring a nice picture and a shy full page of copy of the event.

Mr. Powers offered as his defense that “you can’t fine a sitting Sergeant At Arms.” Of course, Mr. Powers was standing at the time and Judge Jenny slapped him with a gross misdemeanor of “flagrant self-promotion.” Even Steve Lingenlawyer was called upon to reveal his research into heretofore “unknown non-existent laws that pinpoint flagrant self-promotion as a violation of state law with a fine no less than $100.” Judge Jenny decided to poll the

Norm Johnson
Norm Johnson

audience, which acted as the jury in this remarkable case. Jay was nervous as he asked for leniency, commenting, “I have my Rotary pin on!” 

Norm Johnson rose as the foreperson of the jury, finding the defendant guilty as charged. Judge Jenny’s Judgment: “$100 to the BBRC Foundation.” So much for protection under the Eleventh Commandment.