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Vol. 14, No. 27, January 7, 2002

Classification Talk: Evelyn Cogswell

Evelyn Cogswell
Evelyn Cogswell

Evelyn Cogswell, completing her work for the Blue Badge, gave her classification talk. Her classification is “Education-Public-Principal,” and she handed out a “pre-test” that revealed the responsibilities of the principal. She is responsible for the 80 professionals on staff at Sammamish High School. “We hire from 10-15 new teachers each year. One of my major jobs is to observe teachers in the classroom. This takes a lot of my time, but it’s important that the teachers hear feedback about their work. I have two assistant principals to help me …I do well over 100 observations each year.”

The building of morale on the staff and student body is invaluable to the learning process. “I work hard to build a trusting relationship with my staff and this gets you through the hard times. I love my job like no other. It’s great to be associated with Sammamish.”

Evelyn said she’s working hard to pass the levy on February 5. She urged all Bellevue residents to plan to vote that day.