Friday Potpourri
Daniel Feussner (L) and Rourke O’Brien on greeting duty.
Daniel Feussner, gave the invocation. Rourke O’Brien greeted two visiting Rotarians, including District Governor Bob Wilson, and a number of guests of Rotarians.
Phil Salvatori, Chairperson of the Christmas Giving Tree project, was elated to report that all 115 ornaments were selected and corresponding gifts acquired and delivered. He thanked everyone who participated. This is a meaningful project for needy families served by Hopelink and the Lake Heights YMCA.
Jay Powers
Sergeant At Arms Jay Powers fined Bob Holert for not introducing Students of the Month and their families – $3.00. Margie Burnett was fined $3.00 for leaving some banking information at the front desk as a prelude of becoming treasurer next year! And, Rourke O’Brien was fined $5.00 for the new opening of head football coach at Notre Dame.
Darlene Kiehl, having completed her requirements as a new member, exchanged her Red Badge for the coveted Blue Badge. Congratulations, Darlene!