Friday Potpourri
New Member Proposed: Bill Knoppi
Today’s Proverbs
Students of the Month
Choices Update
School Levy in February
Update on Trans-Lake Project
Web Fun
Rick Rizzs
The Program With the regular program not available, President Goldfarb proposed that the Club hear District Governor Bob Wilson gives his DG talk once again. As an alternative, Goldfarb offered to give his Bar Mitzvah.
Instead, Brian Evison introduced Rick Rizzs, one-half of the play-by-play broadcast team for the Seattle Mariners. Several years ago, Rick and some former Mariner players wanted to have a meaningful project to support community needs. They settled on “Toys for Kids,” and to help the cause, the BBRC presented Rick with a check for $750 for their effort. The support group includes all past Mariner players and has raised over $30,000 this year. Rick explained how they go to Toys R Us, are given a discount, and they make their selections. The gifts go to patients at Children’s Hospital, Harborview, and five other hospitals in the area. MORE
Slate Elected A new slate of officers and directors was elected Friday, as the Club fulfilled a requirement to send this information to Rotary International. Selected to lead the BBRC for the 2002-2003 Rotary year beginning July 1, 2002:
- Kim Shrader, President
- Steve Goldfarb, Immediate Past President;
- Brian Evison, President-Elect
- Robin Callan, Secretary
- Margie Burnett, Treasurer
- John Martinka, Sergeant At Arms
- Steve Lingenbrink, Club Service I Director
- Jenny Andrews, Club Service II Director
- Tim Moriarty, Community Service Director
- Bob Holert, Vocational Service Director
- Mike Hyodo, International Service Director
- Steve Roberts, Foundation Director
Used Cell Phones A note from Susan Harrison Dear Rotarians: I have been asked by several Rotarians about cell phone donation to assist in emergency conditions. Please take cell phones to Verizon, next to and south of Alvin Goldfarb's store in Bellevue. You do not need to have adapters and the phone does not need to work, as they will recondition and outfit all phones. This is a particularly good cause. I have a neighbor who, on the eve of her recent pregnancy delivery, was threatened with an ax by her alcoholic husband and had to call 911. It can happen anywhere. – Thank you for asking, Susan Harrison
Clothing & Luggage for Treehouse Madeline Gauthier, Community Service Committee Chairperson and long-time supporter of Treehouse, announced another clothing and luggage drive. Treehouse is an organization which focuses on the needs of foster children in King County. As Madeline notes, “Foster children receive only $100 in clothing vouchers each year. They make frequent moves to various foster homes and most have only plastic garbage bags to transport their personal items. They often do not have backpacks for school items. These children depend on the generosity of people like the BBRC to improve their situations.”
The major collection day for the BBRC is Friday, January 11. Bring items to that meeting and they wi’ll be collected and moved to a central site. This is a great project helping kids who really need our help.
Thanks to Madeline for her persistence in keeping Treehouse at the top of the awareness ladder.
Don’t forget! Hopelink Gift Room The Gift Room at Hopelink is open on December 21 and 22, where people can “shop” for presents for their families. Helpers are needed to accompany the family members through the process. Contact Shelly Noble for more details. |
THIS WEEK The holiday season reaches its zenith with the BBRC’s Annual Holiday Breakfast. Greeters will be members of the Fellowship Committee. After a scrumptious Glendale breakfast buffet, the program will begin at 7:30, with the Opening and Introductions by President Steve Goldfarb. The Invocation/Flag Salute will be offered by Kim Shrader, followed by the Introductions of Dick Brown Visiting Rotarians and visiting guests of Rotarians, and a special presentation to the Glendale staff.
Entertainment will include a violin solo by Suzanne Goff, accompanied by her mother, Kathy Goff. The audience will join in a Christmas songfest, led by Jay Powers and John Mix. At 7:45, Santa will arrive and begin dispensing gifts and chatting with the children. Helper elves, led by Wendi Fischer, will assist.
Shortly after 8:00 a.m., Janet DeWater, wife of Past President John DeWater, and an ordained minister, will give the Christmas message. Closing the program will be a special presentation to Pam Ryan, the mother of our Christmas family, made by Madeline Gauthier. The meeting will close at 8:30.
IF YOU HAVEN’T TOLD US YOU’RE COMING, PLUS INCLUDED THE NUMBER OF GUESTS YOU’RE BRINGING, YOU HAVE UNTIL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, to RSVP by completing this INSTANT SURVEY! Do it now! If you do not have internet access, please call Nancy Isely-Fletcher at 206-363-1608. It is vital that we have a count for the breakfast in order for Glendale to accommodate our needs!
ADMIN CORNER What little Johnny Mix wants for Christmas: Dear Santa, I’d like all of the correct information regarding our membership so that reports can be generated on such things as average age of club. To do this, we need a full birthday listing (MM/DD/YY). This also applies to wedding anniversaries and birthdays of spouse and children (if appropriate). The software we use will not store this information without it being complete. A gift of this information will make little Johnny so happy. I need complete birthday information from Kabani, Kiehl, Kimbrough, Monger, Radford, Rule, Swanson, Tschetter, and White. Surprise me in my email inbox! Merry Christmas!
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Confucius said, “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.