Vol. 14, No. 18, November 5, 2001

Raffle Hits $101,287!

Raffle madness!

A big turn-in of over $20,000 brought the Raffle goal within sight, as the Accounting Staff determined that $101,287 had been collected so far. With the Raffle sales officially over, all that remains is for the Campaign Committee to make contact with about 17 members who have tickets and sales outstanding. It’s conceivable that the goal of $105,000 is within reach, based on the dollars yet to come in. If you have questions, contact Margie Burnett or your Team Captain.

There is still work to be done! On Tuesday, November 13, from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m., volunteers will gather at Wayne McCaulley’s office in the Union Bank of California building on N.E. 8th (10900 NE 8th, #1101) for the annual tearing of the tickets. This may not be the same as the swallows returning to Capistrano, but nothing more will happen unless the tickets get separated into single stubs. Pizza and beverages will be served.

The Raffle Drawing will take place in the office of Donn Roberts, Roberts Trane, 2021 152nd Ave NE, Redmond at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 15th.

The winners of the three grand prizes will be announced at the Anniversary Dinner on Friday evening, November 16th.