Kelly Dykstra [L] & Vince Lorrain [R] greet Ted Ederer.
Vince Lorrain gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. Kelly Dykstra did a night club act on the introductions, taking the microphone throughout the meeting room and interviewing each visitor. Some 15 minutes later, we had found out that Stewart Martin was visiting from Manzanita, OR, Wendi Fischer had brought 5-week-old Katie for a visit, Jan Martinka had accompanied her husband to the meeting, and Past District Governor Duane Ruud took a bow.
 Lorraine Gunderson
Lorraine Gunderson, setting new standards for length of time between Red Badge and Blue Badge, finally got her Blue one Friday, fully 15 months after her induction. She seemed happy at the prospect
Jay Powers warmed up to his task – that of raking in money from unsuspecting Rotarians – while providing some entertainment each meeting. Jay fined Kelly Dykstra for wearing shorts at the Golf Outing, causing his team to add an uncounted number of extra strokes. Kelly paid $20.00 for the distraction.
John Martinka had quite a spread in a local publication recently and was fined $5.00 for over-advertising. Alan Pratt was also the subject of an interview, where he gave information regarding estate planning. He used the word “values” 13 times, and paid $1.00 each for the privilege. John DeWater paid $2.00 for a sign that was left on the fairway at Mt. Si after the Golf Outing. John got lots of extra publicity for Lawrence the Florist. Someone said that Bruce Walker should pay, since he put the sign out. That, my friends, will be left for another day.