John Mix
 Jim Kindsvater Wally Mahoney
BBRC COMMITTEE LISTS lists are available in the Members Only Section.
DISTRICT 5030 CLUB MEETING LOCATIONS are available on the Calendar Page. Use this to determine when and where to make up a meeting locally.
 Kim Shrader
The Raffle Kicks Off – Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? With the theme following the success of the television game show series, President-Elect Kim Shrader opened the new season of ticket selling by orchestrating a full course of what the Raffle is, how it is to be conducted, and what it means for the region.
Kim reviewed the success of the Golf Outing, complimenting Tim Moriarty and his committee for their great work. Financial Chief Robin Callan responded with an accounting of the event. With 140 golfers participating and corporate sponsors pitching in to make the event a prosperous one, Robin reported a net of $34,000 gained for the BBRC Foundation. The purpose of the Golf Outing is to raise funds to pay the expenses of the Raffle. Again this year, they accomplished their mission, and then some. MORE
Barbecue Set for Saturday
The BBRC’s erstwhile Fellowship Committee started the new year off with a bang with a Mass Make-up at the Fremont Club. Looking to the future, the Committee welcomes all members and their families to attend a super barbecue at the Cameron and Mary Truesdell residence up and out of Preston. Click here for directions, which were included in last week’s Reveille. What’s new is the start time – 1:00 is the opening bell, with barbecue at 1:30 and lollygagging thereafter. Bring your swimming gear for fun in the pool. Thanks to the Truesdells for offering their wonderful home, and, everyone, have a great time!
Passages Larry Gill took Marishka to be his lawfully wedded wife in ceremonies at the Manor Farm Inn in Poulsbo on Sunday, July 15. After the wedding vows were exchanged, the couple defied border crossing laws by spending their honeymoon at Whistler, B.C. When asked who took the photos at the wedding, Larry said, “A good friend, Paul Dudley, who happens to live right there in Poulsbo.” Congratulations to the happy couple, who now reside in Renton. Marishka’s work is in sales and marketing. Larry will continue to be a shutterbug.
This Friday is the annual visit of the District Governor. Newly-installed Governor Bob Wilson will meet with the board late Thursday afternoon and then return to inspire the members at the regular Friday meeting. A big turnout will continue to impress the Governor, who already likes the BBRC. Don’t miss the activities, with breakfast at 7:00 a.m., club business at 7:30, and the Governor’s Speech at 8:00. Glendale Country Club, Friday morning. Visitors welcome. |
July was a Worm Month down at the old Administration Farm. As the month closes, the old computer is back in the clinic getting a pep talk. The Administrator – who is a nervous wreck – is heading for Idaho. We’ll see who’s boss when I get back.
When working for a just cause, it is not work at all. |