Current District Governor Bob Wilson [L] & Former District Governor Dick Clarke
 [L to R] John DeWater, Fremont Rotary Club President Kathleen O’Connor, Sharon Edberg
 BBRCers [L to R] Jan Nestler, Chris Ballard & Bob Holert
 Raffle winners Steve Peters [L] & Mike Hale
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 – The word had leaked out. Mike Hale, Immediate Past President of the Fremont Rotary Club, knew as soon as the first three members of the BBRC MMC (Mass Make-up Crew) entered the main entrance of Hale’s Brewery that more beer and pizza would be needed.
“How many of you are coming?” he inquired with a slightly stressed look. “The meeting room is upstairs.” Soon, 15 others representing the BBRC MMC followed those first three, for a total of 18 – 15.65% of the BBRC membership.
The Fremont members totaled 13. They also hosted Captain John from the Vashon Rotary and District Governor Bob Wilson, along just to see what happens on a “Mass Make-up.”
Norm Johnson issued a challenge on behalf of ailing President Steven Goldfarb: If the Fremont Club could turn out a greater percentage at a BBRC meeting, they would receive a $100.00 contribution to their fundraiser. With a total membership of 26, it means they only need to get five members to one our meetings to meet the challenge.
The scheduled speaker for that evening had canceled, allowing the BBRC to sit in on a mini-club assembly and planning session. We learned that the Fremont Rotary Club is a young club, with a charter date of January 2000 and 26 members. It is also a very active club with a number of impressive hands-on community service projects, including clean-up of the Burke-Gilman Bicycle Trail, a book drive and essay contest for the B.F. Day Elementary School, and a bed-building project for a Fremont homeless shelter. Their upcoming fundraiser will be a Fremont scavenger hunt, held in conjunction with the Fremont Chamber of Commerce.
The need for a Rotary Club in the Fremont community was apparent, and it was also apparent that this very cohesive group was up to the task.
It was brought to our attention that they had surveyed the other web sites of the District 5030 and decided that the BBRC’s was the best. The Fremont Rotary website is now under development, with the goal that they would be the best by the end of the year! Can they meet that challenge? We shall see at next year’s District Conference at Whistler, B.C.
Members of the BBRC MMC included: Chris Ballard, Margie Burnett, Don Chandler, Dick and Donna Clarke, John DeWater, Sharon Edberg, Brian Heimbigner, Bob Holert, Nancy Isely-Fletcher, Norm Johnson, Wally Mahoney, John Martinka, Wayne McCaulley, Jan Nestler, Rourke O’Brien, Steve Peters, and Steve Waltar.
Part of the merry Mass Make-up Crew [L to R]: Don Chandler, Steve Waltar, Dick Clarke, Norm Johnson, Donna Clarke, John Martinka, Steve Peters.