Vol. 13, No. 14, October 2, 2000

 Friday Potpourri

Past Presidents
One of the strengths of the BBRC is the active participation of our past presidents. Here they are, answering the call, to help out on the Anniversary Dinner November 18.

Kopczynski, DeWater
John DeWater [R] gets a hug from
President Cary Kopczynski for
earning his Past President's badge.

Joseph Brazen invoked the words to the Notre Dame Alma Mater for the invocation for which he received credits from fellow Irishman Rourke O’Brien.

Ron Healey greeted four visiting Rotarians and three guests of Rotarians.

Sergeant At Arms Rourke O’Brien fined John DeWater and Steve Goldfarb $2.00 each for the notoriety received as the best florist and jeweler in the Bellevue area. Joseph Brazen found out what a “credit” meant, being fined only $5.00 for the usual mysterious reason.

John DeWater received his official Past President’s badge, for which he’d been looking for some time. He was given the badge and a hug by President Cary.

This week’s program features the retired former head coach at the University of Washington, Don James talking about “The Highlight Years.” Bring a guest!