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Vol. 13, No. 6, August 7, 2000

 Sergeant At Arms Corner

John Martinka (top) and Frank Stillo on defense.

No more “Mr. Nice Guy” for Sergeant at Arms Rourke O’Brien. Perpetual bad boy John Martinka, a guy who will never be allowed to forget that he forgot his raffle tickets when he showed up to sell them last year, was fined another $5 for ongoing ticket infractions, now that he is in charge of tickets this year. And, it pays not to be seen in the same company with John. Frank Stillo was fined $5 simply for being featured in one of John’s articles.

Bringing back an old favorite, Rourke O’Brien introduced Wendi Fischer who delivered the following four statements, one of which was false:

  1. I was a cheerleader in high school.
  2. I have appeared in movies and on television.
  3. I am a specialist in salmon spawning.
  4. I teach weightlifting.

Of course, the most obvious is wrong. Although Wendi is now a super cheerleader, she was not always so. She admitted that she would have loved to have been a cheerleader in high school, but she didn’t have the self-confidence to try out.

Well done, Rourke!


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