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Vol. 13, No. 6, August 7, 2000

 Healing The Children Update

Norm Colon, Executive Director of Healing the Children

Brian Evison introduced Norm Colon, Executive Director of Healing the Children, who reported on the $3,000 grant given by BBRC for Healing the Children’s work in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan is one of those landlocked former Soviet Republics about the size of California, with 24 million people . Incredibly, the mortality rate for surgeries is 65%. There is no elective surgery, as Norm says, only life-threatening surgeries, and he really meant that. Patients are required to supply their own sutures, medicines, and food for surgeries.

BBRC’s gifts helped send medical supplies to Uzbekistan, along with two plastic surgeons, operating room nurses, and recovery room nurses, who performed 63 procedures during their stay. Most of the work was on cleft palates and burn scar revisions. Also, 500 children were treated in the clinic. As Norm said, Healing the Children supports one child at a time.

Pictures of the Uzbekistan trip will be forwarded to the Club at a later date.


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