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Vol. 13, No. 3, July 17, 2000

 O’Brien Warms To His Work

Joseph Brazen
Joseph Brazen describes how small the commission is to real estate agents.

Newly-installed soft-spoken Sergeant At Arms Rourke O’Brien had a warm-up session Friday, dispensing a fine here and there. Since the Club was meeting at the Overlake Golf Club in the city of Medina, Joseph Brazen came under scrutiny for recent comments about the real estate market. Seems that Joseph sees the market “cooling off, causing some caution and uncertainty.” The article in a local newspaper charted how prices were falling from [as an example, $2.1 million to $1.9 million]. When assessing Joseph’s fine, Rourke was reminded by Brazen “we only get a little piece of that!” – $5.00 was the fine.

Margie Burnett
Margie Burnett found her badge!

Margie Burnett reported her badge was missing. Seems she took it home with her two weeks ago. When asked how long it had been missing, Margie coyly said, “Just a day. In fact, just a couple of hours!” – a $2.00 fine was levied, showing that Roark was treating the lady Rotarians with equal vengeance under the law.

And finally, O’Breien nailed Norm Johnson for spelling his name wrong in the minutes of the June 15 Board meeting. Rork was mighty upset and demanded a retraction. Norm was fined $1 .00 for each misspelled letter. Johnson took the short spelling, Rrk O’Bryn.


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