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Vol. 13, No. 3, July 17, 2000

 Friday Potpourri

The meeting was called to order by President Cary Kopczynski at the Overlake Golf & Country Club. Wendi Fisher was called upon for the Invocation and flag salute. Donn Roberts welcomed one visiting Rotarian and a couple of guests.

Cary paid notice of a card sent by Wendi, thanking the BBRC for the wedding gift.

Rotary Minute

[President Cary, taking the lead from the Rotary International Convention, will offer a “Rotary Minute” at each meeting. This is the first in a series.]

Women in Rotary

There was no provision for women joining Rotary when it was formed in 1905. Not until 1989 were women allowed membership, but not after a long, protracted suit forced the international organization to admit women. In 1978, the Duarte, California, Rotary Club inducted three women. Rotary International took the Club to court. After a favorable decision from a California court on the side of the Club, RI took the appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. Again, the Duarte pioneers won and in 1989, women were officially welcomed as members of the largest service organization in the world.


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