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VOL 16, NO 04
JUL 21, 2003

Face, Bell
Sonny and Mare wow the crowd!

Babe, I’ll Fine You Babe

A new era opened for the Sergeant At Arms position, as Mary Bell becomes the new Tail Twister (Oops, that was Lions Club of yesteryear!). Members got a real treat about what this SAA year is all about with a great gig by Andrew Face and Mary: ”Sonny and Mare – I’ll Fine You Babe”

    “I’ll Fine You Babe”
    by “Sonny” Face & “Mare” Bell

    MARE: They say I’m young and I don't know
    MARE: Won't find out until I grow
    SONNY: Well, I don't know, I doubt that's right
    SONNY: ‘Cause I think you really give them fright
    UNISON: Babe, I’ll fine you babe, she’ll fine you babe

    MARE: You say your dues will pay the rent
    MARE: Got news for you, that money's all been spent
    SONNY: I guess that's so, the Club gives a lot
    SONNY: At least I'm sure that you’ll add more to the pot
    UNISON: Babe, I’ll fine you babe, she’ll fine you babe

    (Here, they walked around collecting fines)

    He sang, she sang.

    SONNY: She saw newsprint in the spring
    SONNY: He got you to do this thing
    MARE: That will be five, cause you're a clown
    MARE: Oh pooh, no cash, your check book must be ‘round
    MARE: So, let them know I mean no harm
    MARE: I don't care; I’m Mary, Sarge at Arms
    SONNY: Just put you're little cash with mine
    SONNY: There ain't no hill BBRC can't climb
    UNISON: Babe, I’ll fine you babe, She’ll fine you babe

    SONNY: She’ll fine you, have cash on hand
    MARE: I'll fine you, its in my plan
    SONNY: She’ll fine you, don’t squawk to me
    MARE: I'll fine you, just talk with me
    SONNY: Your fives you can kiss goodnight
    MARE: Your dough I will hold so tight
    SONNY: She’ll take you fine and won't let go
    MARE: I'll fine you so love me so
    UNISON: I’ll fine you babe...

Hayden, Shrader
Members of the old goat-ee club: Ernie Hayden (L) & Past President Kim Shrader.

Mare said it all at the end of gig. “If you liked it, put a dollar on the table. If you didn’t like our performance, put two dollars on the table!” Mary’s first official fundraiser netted $74 for the SAA kitty. Before leaving the stage, Mary commented about the hair surrounding past President Kim Shrader’s face. Being past president means you don’t have to shave!

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