Vol. 15, No. 46
May 12, 2003

Care & Concern:

President Elect Brian Evison has been called home to Australia to be with his mother, who is suffering from lung cancer.

Friday Potpourri

President Shrader opened the meeting on a fine spring day by introducing Rich Hammond, who gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag.

Nick Paget welcomed four visiting Rotarians and a host of other visitors. With the interest in the program, a couple of additional tables were set up – probably the largest crowd of the year! Eighty-six members were in attendance!

Paget, Sadler, Clarke, Hammond
L-R: Nick Paget, Scott Sadler, Dick Clarke & Rich Hammond

Chuck Barnes notified the membership that new pledge forms are available at the Cashier’s desk for designating the member’s wishes for pledging to the Rotary Foundation next year. District Governor-Elect John Gardiner is asking members to consider being a “double-sustainer” and pledging at least $200 to the Foundation in 2003-2004. Even if you’ve pledged in the past, you’re asked to fill out a new form so the Treasurer will know precisely your wishes.

Owens, Aragon
Jim Owens & DG Rosemary Aragon

District Governor Rosemary Aragon and one of the newest Honorary Rotarians — her husband Luis — were guests at breakfast Friday. Luis’s home country is Guatemala. There was a special interest because of Friday’s program about Agros and the BBRC’s participation in a trip to Guatemala last month.


Terry Peterson
Terry Peterson

erry Peterson, who is becoming Mr. Committee Roster person, told the membership that the process of choosing what committee a member will serve on in the new Rotary year will come to a close by the end of the month. “It’s your chance to select just where you’ll perform ‘Service above Self” said Peterson. “You are asked to sign up for a MINIMUM of two committees for the coming year.” Sign-up sheets are available at the reminder of meetings this month.