Vol. 13, No. 22, November 27, 2000

 Thanksgiving Baskets Appreciated

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BBRC members [l to r] Howard Johnson, Scott Sadler, Craig Groshart, and Will Einstein join Sharon Jacobs [front] of the Lake Heights YMCA in this year’s Thanksgiving Basket project.

The Community Service Committee just finished the Thanksgiving Basket Program, providing 30 families with baskets filled with Thanksgiving fixings. Committee Chairman Scott Sadler said the families were identified by Hopelink and the Lake Heights Family YMCA as families in need of holiday support. He gave special thanks to Shelley Noble of Hopelink and Sharon Jacobs of the YMCA for identifying and working with the families in need.

“In addition I would like to thank the following Rotarians for making this event happen: Will Einstein and Craig Groshart, for handling promotion, purchasing food, collecting and organizing the food, and securing donated boxes; Howard Johnson, for purchasing all of the turkeys and getting an awesome price to boot; Wally Mahoney, for involving teen volunteers and documenting the project; and Jan Nestler, for making sure that all of the baskets (boxes) were beautifully decorated. GREAT JOB!” said Scott.