Vol. 13, No. 15, October 9, 2000

 Classification Talk

Will Einstein
Will Einstein classifies to say good riddance to the Red Badge.

Will Einstein, classification “Public Utility-Electricity,” completed his Red Badge requirements by delivering his Classification Talk. Will is Community Relations Manager for Puget Sound Energy, which is a merger of Puget Power and Washington Natural Gas occurring in 1997.

“Technology is changing the energy business,” said Will. “We serve 1.4 million customers in 11 counties, both with electricity and gas. Our major project is retrofitting electric meters to an automated system, due to be completed by the end of 2001. The new system will collect data about energy usage throughout the day and help consumers to make better use of their appliances, while PSE will be better able to manage home energy use from a distance.”

Will reported one of the features of the new system is that outages will be reported automatically and pinpointed for repair crews to respond more quickly. “Technology is coming to everybody, and users will see the difference in their homes and businesses.”