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Friday Potpourri

Port Townsend

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Web Fun

Vol. 13, No. 9, August 28, 2000

 Port Townsend

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Your auld editor had the occasion to spend last weekend in Port Townsend. This sparkling city on the Sound was once in line to be the terminus of the railroad, which gave its early promoters cause to describe Port Townsend as the “New York of the West.” Alas, the rails stopped at Seattle, but Port Townsend today is a beautiful stop on anyone’s itinerary.

The weekend stay included lodging and breakfast at the Quimper Inn Bed & Breakfast. Owned and operated by Sue and Ron Ramage, this is one of many fine bed and breakfast facilities in “PT.” The breakfasts are creative and tasty, served in the wonderful dining room of the Inn.

The casual friendliness of Sue and Ron made everyone feel welcome. It was made clear that everything in the classic old home, known as the “Historic Harry G. Barthrop House, circa 1888” represented parts of the Ramage family history. Photos, mementoes, books, pictures and furniture were liberally spread throughout each room. A very homey treat.

The weekend of September 22-24 is Port Townsend’s first annual Film Festival. This really promises to be a fine event and worth a trip to the Jefferson County seat. I highly recommend the Quimper Inn. It was great!


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