"Following in Entrepreneurial Footsteps"
Jeff Orswell
President and Founder Orswell Events LLC
Introduced by: John Martinka
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Chris opened the meeting and kept everyone on their toes.
In eloquent fashion, Kaj introduced Doug Pinkley as our newest member by explaining the opportunities available to him in the BBRC. Kaj is pointing at others in the room to highlight the excellent company that he can be a part of.
Carmela encouraged all to skip the boos and avoid the fines by buying a prepaid SAA card. On sale for a mere $10. see Carmela for details.
Ann highlighted the many facets of the All in for Autism Run. It is not just about the runners. it is about community, global projects, exposure for Rotary, supporting other groups and letting other groups support us. Mark your calendar for April 28, 2019.
Jeff Orswell gave us an interesting walk thru his career and explained about how he built his business. The challenges were all met with opportunities to grow in a different direction. Although his business manages our run, he focused on all of the many activities that Orswell Events runs or gives consultations.