My Life As a Young Engineer in Alaska
Roger Allington
Scribe: Jenny Andrews Editor: Jim Kindsvater
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Roger Allington told a bountiful tale of his life as a young engineer in Alaska. Bill Prater and John Schwager greeted us at the door. Wendi Fischer and Jonathan Koshar crooned to settle their bet. Adam Ministin spoke of his life and work. Alex rule urged us to join him next Saturday to preserve a bit more of this old earth.

Today’s Program: The Road Less Traveled: Roger Allington
The BBRC faithful gathered at Glendale emerging from the mist and the gloom.
Only to find that “the program” had not arrived to enlighten the room.
John, our esteemed leader looked wan and a bit bleak.
But at the last moment he arose and began to speak.
He rolled up his sleeve and exposed the hold card that would win this game,
It was a crusty road warrior, weathered and worn, who walked with a cane.
So to the front Roger hailed the call to save the moment and talk “Alaskan” to the hall.
As a young traffic engineer he received an offer that sounded fine and headed north to “come into the country” in nineteen and sixty-nine.
He discovered a new state with old treasures: gold and fish and timber and oil.
For these resources the locals would toil.
This land is large and it is easy to hide but the weather is harsh so it is best to be inside.
So what does it matter that they continue to cut and fish and drill and dig?
For this is just a speck for the land is so big!
It is no secret, but those of that live to the south need gas for the car and food for the mouth.
Alaska is a national resource with residents independent and proud, so let them mine for pebbles and drill in ANWR for crying out loud!
For thanks and appreciation to Roger a gift, one thousand pounds of fresh produce will give food banks a lift.
Beginnings: President John opened the meeting with a “March toward Madness”, or was it “March Madness?” What with the weather, politics, and perhaps a basketball game or two.
At this juncture up marched none other but Greeter and Invocator Bill Prater with words of wisdom on feeding the beast within. The beast being the two wolves that we harbor within our souls. The bad wolf with the characteristics of evil, arrogance, envy, gluttony and meanness, and the good wolf with opposing characteristics: joy, peace, kindness, hope and faith. When asked which would “win”. Bill revealed that the wolf that wins is the wolf that you feed.
Visiting Rotarians and guests were introduced by new member John Schwager.

Unforgettable: Sargent-at-Arms Wendi Fischer brought the image of Chris Rasmussen’s most embarrassing moment as the time he played bikini volleyball at a BBRC meeting, but Chris objects saying it was during a makeup at the Bellevue Noon club and they mistook him for the Student of the Month. In either case it brought Wendi to the front in a sleek gown with Jonathan Koshar in a suit to settle some convoluted bet by singing a duet of “Unforgettable.” The lyrics seemed standard enough until you realized they are now promoting the BBRC Retreat and the District Conference in song. Wow! Sign Up! If you have not already done so you are encouraged to do so. The date: April 20th to 22nd, 2012 at the Lake Coeur d’Alene Resort. You may use the sign up on the District 503 web site at:
Classification Talk: Adam Mihlstin

A native of the Southshore of Long Island Adam grew up enjoying sailing and the ocean. A degree from Roger Williams University in Architecture and Engineering led to him to the New York Port Authority. There he redesigned toll collection systems where twenty pound bags of coins were dropped twenty feet down a shaft. (That sounds like a line out a Dave Barry book.) He also re-engineered the Holland Tunnel. It was only logical that he then enter real-estate management for telecom firms. The adventure continues with Washington Partners in Bellevue where tenants are represented, not landlords. Adam is active in Outward Bound, Live Strong and Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Hobbies include golf and biking. Adam lives with his wife, Marilyn, and their daughter and a red dog in Bellevue.

Bellevue 10K: Chris Monger and Carla Cummings took the floor and had a stand-up moment for those that have secured sponsors or have signed up the April 29th Bellevue 10K. Come on peeps, it is now time to form our teams and get those runners in line. Volunteers are also needed, so those sign-ups are important also.

Preserve Planet Earth: Alex Rule. Sign up on the web site for a trail resurfacing event on Saturday March 24th at Ardmore Park in Bellevue. Time 9:00am to 1:00pm. Parking is very limited so carpooling is strongly encouraged.
Alexandra Dysard, a Bellevue Park Ranger, described the aims of Stewardship Saturdays and how the city will work with youth on scout projects and senior projects.
Directions: From SR-520, take 148th Avenue NE exit south. Turn left on NE 24th Street, and then left onto Bel-Red Road. Turn right on NE 30th Street. Turn right onto 164th Ave NE. Left onto NE 28th St. and the Park will be on your right. Off Street Parking only!
EREY: Every Rotarian Every Year. President John gave a call out to Kim Shrader and Jeff Cashman and the work of the Rotary Foundation Committee to reach the BBRC goal of 100% participation in supporting the RI Foundation. We are now over 90%, so if you receive a call from a committee member and you have yet to participate do not be alarmed. We are just requesting that you join with the rest.
The honored scribe and poet was none other than Norm Johnson. Photos by Jim.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain