When COVID 19 hit our area the Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club saw 2 needs in our area, survival of the local restaurant industry and support of our health care workers. To meet those needs we created a program under our Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club Foundation (501 (c) (3) organization) Restaurants for Responders and committed funding of $30,000 from our budget.

Meals were purchased from locally owned restaurants and donated to the medical staff at Evergreen and Overlake Hospitals. In addition, we saw additional needs within the homeless and elderly communities and expanded the reach of our program to provide meals to Congregations for the Homeless, Sophia Way, Overlake Presbyterian Church, Foster Children and Jubilee Reach.

To date we have provided over 2200 meals and supported eight local restaurants.
Visit https://RestaurantsForResopnders.com for more information.