Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club
Member Interest Survey

Moral & Ethical Leadership in the Workplace

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click here for a printer-friendly version.

Please complete the following questionnaire, as the information will be used in preparing for next week’s program on which it is focused.

Name (optional):


The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Note: You may want to type your responses in word processing software first and then copy and paste them into the form fields.

Question 1:
How do you use the four questions of The Four-Way Test in your personal and professional life? Do you use it in examining the ethics of a business decision? Please give one or more of your best examples of how you apply The Four-Way Test in your workplace:

Question 2:
In today’s workplace, what challenges do you face? How do you demonstrate integrity, competence, reliability in your work and service?

Question 3:
Critical Incidents to Great Moments: Do you have a “critical incident” you would like to share that was a good learning experience in applying The Four-Way Test and/or Declaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions?

Why was this event/incident memorable?

What did you learn from it?

What would you do differently next time? What would you do the same?

What made it a great moment in learning and your life?

Question 4:
Please describe a work experience where you felt respected and/or demonstrated respect for someone. What impact did it have on morale, communication, and modeling moral and ethical leadership?

Question 5:
How does your business and/or profession keep its Code of Ethics a priority for its employees and members?

Question 6:
What activities could the BBRC do for our community to promote the 4-Way Test and moral and ethical leadership and behavior in our community? See the descriptions of activities below and place a numbers "1" and "2" in your top two (2) for implementation in October 2007 during Vocational Service Month.

Community Concerns Conference or Workshop to promote ethics and corporate values.

Community Forum on ethics in human resource management, sales, respect in the workplace, and in educating our youth.

Sponsoring a Rotary 4-Way Test Essay Contest for elementary, middle, high school and college students.

Awarding vocational service to community members and also club members who have demonstrated high ethical standards in their businesses and/or professions.


Question 7:
Would you be willing to serve as a table leader to facilitate a discussion during next week’s program on moral and ethical issues in our businesses and professions?



List and comment on some moral and ethical issues you have faced, dealt with, and solved.

Moral and Ethical Issues Solutions


What types of events would you be interested in participating in to promote applying The Four Way Test in business, the professions, and political governance?

Other comments, requests, and recommendations: