
Vol. 18, No. 18, October 31, 2005


The Friday Program: Microsoft’s Community-Based Programs | Raffle Collection Wraps Up THIS WEEK | Student of the Month: Catherine Osorio-Barrios | Membership Swells by Three (Leahy, Vincent, Allington) | BBRC: 20 Years | Sergeant Raises More Dough | Friday Potpourri | November is Foundation Month | The Journey of a Lifetime: Reports from Africa with Margie Burnett | Report From Norm | Web Fun


the friday program:
Microsoft’s Community-Based Programs

x1031Pressman1Pamela Passman, Vice President, Microsoft Global Corporate Affairs, was introduced by BBRC member Curtis Cummings, who also doubles as a Microsoft IT Software developer. Pamela’s job is to guide the company’s affairs in the realm of Government, Industry and Community. “We have 56,000 employees scattered throughout the world, but our biggest footprint is right here in Redmond.”

Passman, who is a lawyer, represents the company in conjunction with projects at the U.N., the World Bank and other global organizations. She told her audience that her topic would be "What’s happening at Microsoft."

“We have the most robust pipeline of products in all our 30 years in business right now, said Passman. Our largest server and tools launch is occurring in 2005. Platforms for groups that help write software have been expanded. The Xbox 360 will feature 200 new games when it’s introduced on Nov 22. And, Vista — the new Operating System — is coming soon.”


Raffle Collection Wraps Up This Week

x1031RaffletTicketsBecause of the off-site meeting cutting down attendance, officials of the BBRC Raffle have extended the turn-in of sold tickets and remaining un-sold tickets until Friday, November 4. There are still several members who’ve not reported their intentions, and the officials point out that ALL of the ticket packets distributed in August MUST BE RETURNED for tallying. The procedure followed by the Raffle Committee is dictated by the Washington State Gambling Commission, under which our — sold or unsold — and to turn them in this Friday.

On a happier note, the Raffle accounting staff raked in $15,000 more dollars at the end of Friday’s off-site meeting, bringing the total to over $93,000. It’s no surprise that Mary Bell’s team (Hell’s Bells) leads both leagues with over $11,000 banked. Jenny Andrews’ squad is not far behind for a close fight for first place.

Please bring your packets, ticket stubs and checks to this Friday’s meeting. Jim Zidar’s crew of ticket-tearers will be at work Monday afternoon, November7 at 5:00 p.m at the Plaza Center Building, 10900 NE 8th, Second Floor. Their work will be transferred to the offices of Trudell, Bowen and Lingenbrink the next day, when the winning ticket will be drawn. Drawing time is 1:30 p.m. at 135 Lake Street South in the Anthony’s Homeport Building in Kirkland.

The winner of the raffle will be honored Friday night, November 11, at the BBRC’s 20th Anniversary party at the Bellevue Club.


x1031SOTMStudent of the Month:
Catherine Osorio-Barrios

Nick Paget introduced Sammamish High School Student of the Month Catherine Osorio-Barrios, who was accompanied by her mother Bertha and father Cruz to the Microsoft Conference Center on Friday.

Catherine is a senior at Sammamish and plans to further her education at Brigham Young University, with plans to major in Political Science, earning a law degree and perhaps a career in politics in her future.


Membership Swells by Three (Leahy, Vincent, Allington)

In a special induction ceremony at the Microsoft Conference Center, three new members joined the BBRC roster.

x1031LeahyTim Leahy, owner of Leahy Benefit Auction Services in Bellevue, is sponsored by Andrew Face and becomes the club’s auctioneer. Tim jumped right in to help President Lingenbrink induct the other two members, Steve Vincent and Roger Allington. Because of time constraints, Tim buzzed through the biographies of Steve and Roger, adding to the enjoyment of the induction process.

x1031VincentSteve Vincent holds the classification of “Community Banking,” as a Vice-President of Puget Sound Bank. Steve is active with Youth Eastside Services, and is a member of Bellevue Downtown Association and Seattle Mortgage Bankers Association. His sponsor is Cary Kopczynski.

x1031AllingtonRoger Allington has the classification “Consultant-Transportation.” As Tim told the audience, Roger is a civil engineer, formerly employed by two states (Alaska and California), two counties (Venture and El Dorado) and three cities (Santa Barbara, Beverly Hills and Modesto). Roger also belonged to four different Lions Clubs before settling in Bellevue. Roger’s sponsor is Steve Lingenbrink.

Steve told the Induction Story to the newcomers. “Rotary is a way of life. Attend weekly meetings and learn about ‘Service Above Self.’” The three new members received a standing ovation upon their induction.


Sergeant Raises More Dough

x1031RaffleTableSAA Ballard consulted Sayoko K for a list of members who haven’t RSVPd for theAnniversary Dinner. Those folks who stood defiantly at the Microsoft meeting paid for it with a $5.00 fine. John Martinka harkened back to when HE was SAA and wanted a little of the action. The two of them decided that $2.50 a head for the malcontents would be appropriate. Won’t be long till the treasury runs dry.

The Raffle Accounting Group, hard at work outside the meeting room, was applauded for their dedication to duty on this final week of the Raffle ticket turn-in. Cyril Faulkner and his team of Terry Peterson, Zul Alibhai, Jeff Maxwell and Rich Hammond were commended for all their hard work.


Friday Potpourri

x1013GreetersPresident Lingenbrink welcomed members to a special offsite meeting in the Rainier Room of the Microsoft Conference Center, a state-of-the-art facility featuring advanced tools for presentations and a fine continental breakfast.

Chuck Barnes, on the occasion of Halloween and the celebration of All Saints Day on November 1, informed the membership that this holiday was in recognition of the passing of friends. His invocation included a list of BBRC members who have passed away. The pledge to the Jenny Andrews American flag followed.

x1013ROTMSteve Bender welcomed guests of Rotarians.

Rotarians of the Month were honored for their work on the just-wrapped-up raffle. President Lingenbrink praised the work of Robin Callan and Chuck Barnes for organizing a very successful Golf Outing, which paid for the major raffle prize. The co-winners received plaques noting their selection as the October Rotarians of the Month.


The Journey of a Lifetime:
Reports from Africa with Margie Burnett

Day One 

I arrived safely in Ethiopia on Sunday night. My flight from DC to Addis Ababa was 16 hours including 1 hour on the ground in Rome to refuel, etc.

Addis seems a little improved since I was here 3 years ago - the streets and sidewalks are in better shape and even though there are still many people on the streets just standing around, it seems like there's fewer than before. Maybe I'm just more used to it this time.

We drove forever to get to the Cheshire Home today. A place about 12 miles out in the country where kids with polio stay to get rehabilitated and fitted for braces, wheelchairs, etc. They are all so cute and well behaved. I didn't bring any treats along for them so I gave away the family and friend’s pictures I'd brought along to remind me of home. They love to get any kind of pictures like that. So now I just have to remember what you all look like because your pictures are in the pockets of the little polio victims at the home.

My roommate Jenny Andrews and I are coping with our hotel room which is definitely a step down from the Hilton I stayed at before. We can't figure out how to take a shower without flooding the bathroom floor. Although we do now know how to switch the circuit breaker ourselves when we blow a fuse because we turned on the hair dryer!

Thanks again for all of your love and support for me on this trip.

• • •

Day Two 

Thanks again for all your emails and news from home. Some of them really made me chuckle. I also passed on the news about the Seahawks here in the hotel cyber cafe to a resounding cheer.

We were on a bus for most of today. There was a big snafu about the distance to a water well project. Lesson learned is when you ask an Ethiopian how long it will take to get someplace, multiply the time by four. We did get out into some beautiful rural areas to see the sight of a new Rotary funded water well as well as a place where a new well will be built.

We saw darling Ethiopian children who live in the country. They were mostly unspoiled by handouts from tourists. I gave them some of my trinkets and got some cute picture of two girls wearing Issaquah Boys and Girls Club T-shirts donated by Warren and Winnie.

We are a little tired and cranky now, but a beer in the hotel has helped. Another great thing about this hotel is that beer is only about $1 a bottle and it's good, too.

Tonight Jenny and I are going to dinner at the home of an Ethiopian Rotarian

• • •

Day Eight 

I'm still alive and well. We're wrapping up our time here in Addis Ababa and leaving tomorrow morning for Kampala, Uganda.

I seems like I have been here a month with all of the experiences that have been packed into the last eight days.

The saddest time for me this week was to hear that my brother's wife passed away on Tuesday. Many of you know that she has been fighting a hard battle for 5 years with breast cancer. I knew when I left for Africa that she would likely not make it until I got back but I decided to go anyway. Her friends and family know that it is a blessing that she was finally able to go to a better place, as her body would no longer support her life here on earth. Besides the fact that Diane will no longer be in our lives, I was very sad, as I miss my family very much and want to be with them at this time. I will especially be thinking of all of them on Tuesday when they have a memorial for Diane. I'll be there in spirit.

All of the Rotarians and their friends and families here in Ethiopia have been a joy to get to know or get re-acquainted with, both the group that I came here with from Seattle as well as those here in the country. We all have especially enjoyed spending time with a group of 20-somethings that belong to what's called a Rotaract group here in Addis.  They are bright, polite, educated and conversant and willing to help us out with anything we need. They take us shopping, translate for us and have gone out of town on the polio immunization trip I took.

Oh, yes, the polio immunization — the reason I came here!  Jenny and I went out in the countryside northwest of Addis about 100 miles to two towns (small cities) where we stayed in local hotels, met with the head of the immunization projects in the local areas and assisted in vaccinating children in a kindergarten as well as going house to house.  Besides the young, cute Rotaract man, we were accompanied by a driver and a Rotarian from Addis named Gotachu. 

Seeing Caucasian people is not normal for the children of these areas so they are very intrigued and followed us everywhere. They were thrilled to shake our hand, try out their English and watch Jenny and I try to play their version of tether ball (a sack made of fabric, tied to a thin rope and attached to an electrical pole). The kids really liked Jenny's name and at one point started chanting it!  Move over Jaylo, we're celebrities, too.

We visited an elementary school in the city called Ambo where 40+ children have class in rooms with a dirt floor and no electricity. The only teaching aid was a chalk board.  We gave the school some soccer balls and school supplies. We hope to do a project with a Rotary club in Addis to provide more school supplies and books in the future.

As I said, tomorrow we fly to Uganda. We've heard that there is going to be some kind of strike or work stoppage tomorrow in the city so I crossing my fingers that it doesn't include airport workers. The political situation is heating up here according to rumors from people in the know. 

Love to all of you,

P.S. Thanks for all of your emails.  I really appreciate them. :)


Report From Ol' Norm

Dear Friends & Family,

When we last heard from ol' Norm he was getting ready to head out the door for “Camp Chemo” for an extended sixteen week stay. As he headed out he was head to mumble. “I don’t think Boot Camp lasted that long.”

The first day at camp was October 10th. It started with the warm welcome of the receptionist who handed over an agenda of the day’s activities, which included a blood draw, and then resting in a recliner while attentive infusion nurses set up the machines to drip six hours of chemicals into one’s veins.

Apparently it has been determined that the most effective remedy is to use two different drugs in combination, in this case Cisplatin and Navelbine.

Cisplatin belongs to a group of anti-cancer drugs known as alkyators. The goal is to stop cancer cell growth by binding to DNA, the genetic material in cells. Navelbine belongs to a group of anti-cancer drugs called plant alkaloids. It stops cancer cell growth by inhibiting cell division.

With both drugs, the growth of normal cells may also be affected, resulting in possible side effects. This is where the stay at camp becomes a real adventure. One does not know when, and if, the side effects will make them selves known. Possible common side effects may include: nausea and vomiting, kidney damage, hearing damage, weakness, numbness, discomfort at the injection site, fatigue, constipation, hair loss, decreased blood counts.

Keep in mind, we came to camp to improve our health and well being. Whew!

Anyway, the six hour session is followed the next three weeks with a one hour session and only one of the drugs, Navebline, being pushed into the system. Then it is back to week one with a six hour session. This is done in four cycles, which accounts for the sixteen week stay.

To help ease the infusion process, a device know as a “portacath” was installed last Monday. This is a device about the size of a fifty cent piece that is implanted under the skin in your upper chest area. It has a receptor that is connected to a line that goes directly into a primary vein. This allows the infusion nurses a very easy spot to access to draw blood and drip in the chemicals. No more searching for a suitable vein in the arm for the task. Also, use of veins tends to cause damage due to the toxic nature of the drugs, so this makes it some what easier, at least on the arms.

Installation of a portacath takes less than twenty minutes, but they want you to show up at the hospital two hours prior to the process, which is my case was 5:30 AM. Do you know that it is now dark at that time of morning? It’s like the middle of the night. On the plus side, traffic was light and finding a parking space was not an issue.

So, three weeks into the process and I think that the treatment is working as the fatigue portion of the equation has entered the picture. This past Tuesday I took a three mile walk and felt fine. On Wednesday it was an effort just to climb a flight of stairs. The adventure continues and so will these updates as the camp sessions unfold. One thing that surprises me is that they have yet of offer any craft sessions and we have not had even one campfire.

As always, your e-mails, cards prayers and positive thoughts offer encouragement and are truly appreciated.



the friday program:
Microsoft’s Community-Based Programs

x1031PressmanPamela Passman, Vice President, Microsoft Global Corporate Affairs, was introduced by BBRC member Curtis Cummings, who also doubles as a Microsoft IT Software developer. Pamela’s job is to guide the company’s affairs in the realm of Government, Industry and Community. “We have 56,000 employees scattered throughout the world, but our biggest footprint is right here in Redmond.”

Passman, who is a lawyer, represents the company in conjunction with projects at the U.N., the World Bank and other global organizations. She told her audience that her topic would be "What’s happening at Microsoft."

“We have the most robust pipeline of products in all our 30 years in business right now, said Passman. Our largest server and tools launch is occurring in 2005. Platforms for groups that help write software have been expanded. The Xbox 360 will feature 200 new games when it’s introduced on Nov 22. And, Vista — the new Operating System — is coming soon.”

Passman said that Microsoft is “linked to what’s happening in the world. We are vitally interested in the State of Washington’s work force. We recognize that the state’s education programs from K through 12 and higher education must be supported more energetically. Microsoft is stepping up its game with support for education. We want Washington to be a place where new employers want to come and establish their businesses. An aggressive business and investment climate will allow expansion of Microsoft and its other business partners. It’s our responsibility to be more active in the state of Washington.”

Increasing community involvement by the company, and especially the employees of Microsoft, has become a goal. “We encourage Microsoft employees to be members of community-based organizations and to be engaged actively in their community.” Three members of the BBRC are Microsoft employees: Bill Spencer, Curt Cummings, and Steve Szirmai.

Passman said that Microsoft has supported a program that gives software to non-profits, a program that has seen $200,000,000 (million) in software delivered the past five years. A program called "Unlimited Potential" is all about providing information technology skills training to disabled youth. The program currently runs in 90 countries. Hopelink has their Literacy program and Microsoft supports the Eastside organization to provide a showcase for that program.

x1031PressmanLingenbrinkPassman turned her attention to what she called Community Investments — special projects in various communities where employees get directly involved to dispense funds made available for the purpose by Microsoft. As it turned out, last Friday was the final day of the company’s annual giving campaign. “We are planning to raise $60 million from employees and a corporate match. Well over half of employees participate every year. Microsoft gives each employee a $12,000 benefit that can be used any way the employee designates. Employees are urged to go for it! Organizations like Rotary clubs are told to contact an employee to learn more on the Community Investment program.

Around the world, Microsoft takes part in national initiatives. One ongoing project is giving technical support to Boys & Girls Clubs. In fact, over $100 million in Club Tech support has been donated to the Boys and Girls Clubs. There’s an organization called “End Power” — a service group for other non profits. Its job is to gather together other organizations, pooling resources where it does the most good. End Power now has 12 affiliates around the country.

Microsoft also matches employee time in the community. If a Microsoft employee were to work on a house painting project, for example, Microsoft will $17 match for each hour. The company is big on volunteer activities, hence the emphasis on tying matching funds to projects completed. Out of this comes a computer-based report, which keeps track of the dollars raised in this fashion. The Washington State Department of Labor has work force opportunity centers. Microsoft supports these. In Beijing, China, a Microsoft project is training Chinese migrant workers who come from rural areas to work in the nation’s capital. Microsoft raised $7.6 for Tsunami relief and another $9 million for Hurricane Katrina relief. The company has also supported the work of Mercy Corps and World Vision, and other on-the-ground disaster relief agencies with contributions of technology.

x1031CummingsA short video described how Microsoft is emphasizing leadership at all levels of the company. “Our company is committed to doing right thing for people,” said Pamela. It’s not about money or the community owing Microsoft. It’s about our employees identifying where our discretionary funds will go and having ownership in how Microsoft supports the community.”

When asked, Passman said that the Gates and Microsoft Foundations are separate entities. By being advocates for education, the company is impacting the legislative process on how to advance the level of education, not only in Washington, but elsewhere.

For her excellent presentation, a certificate to the King County Library System Ready to Read program donates a book in Pamela Passman’s name on behalf of Rotary’s Literacy program. Thanks to Curt Cummings for his work organizing this off-site meeting and his introduction of the speaker.


John Mix

Jim Kindsvater



District Governor Sally Gray will conduct the annual visit by the DG this coming Friday morning. Hear the latest from the District and what plans are in the offing for one of the most active Districts in all of Rotary International. Breakfast buffet at Glendale at 7:00, followed by the club’s weekly meeting, and Sally’s talk at 8:00. Bring a guest who may be a potential member!


For new members, we will be staging a photo session for inserting your picture in the directory. This is a heads-up to be prepared to join us prior to a future meeting. The date hasn’t been set yet, but expect it soon!


Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun! ­ Mary Lou Cook




November is perhaps the most significant month on the calendar for the BBRC. That’s the month the club was formed and received its charter from Rotary International. That happened on November 20, 1985, and 25 people agreed to be charter members.


The club met officially for the first time on January 13, 1986 on the occasion of their Charter Night Banquet. Today, there are eight active Charter members.


Occasionally, the club will have visits from that special group of 25 who are still in the area. At the 20th Anniversary Dinner on November 11, other charter members who are no longer active in the BBRC have been invited to attend.





Paul Martin, 11/2

Evelyn Cogswell, 11/2

Cyril Faullkner, 11/3




Terry Baker

Dick Brown

Doug Cameron

Don Chandler

Dick Clarke

Don Deasy

Jim Owens

John Smolke


November is Foundation Month

November is Rotary Foundation Month and time for the BBRC to meet the “Every Rotarian Every Year” theme of the Foundation’s Annual Fund Drive.


Co-chairs Chandler, Deasy, Brown and Kopczynski thank all members who have determined their level of giving for the current campaign. Don Deasy said: “Obviously you believe in the Foundation’s humanitarian and world peace purpose. Your contribution adds to the Foundation’s effort as well as helping your BBRC sustain its strong support of the Foundation. The club goals this year are twofold: first, to have 100% participation and secondly, to have an average gift per member of at least $300 (Last year we averaged over $330 per member).”


Every one is being asked to take a look at their individual participation and consider any additional giving that might be possible, Should you be in a position to make an additional contribution, please get your check payable to the Rotary Foundation to Dick Brown, Cary Kopczynski or one of the Don’s at either the November 4th or November 18th meeting (that’s all we have in November) as we wrap up this year’s campaign.  Your consideration is much appreciated ... and your check tax deductible in 2005!  Thanks a million! 



Web Fun



A man decided to write a book about famous churches around the world. So he bought

a plane ticket and took a trip to Orlando, thinking that he would start by working his way across the USA from South to North.

On his first day he was inside a church taking photographs when he noticed a golden telephone mounted on the wall with a sign that read, "$10,000 per call."

The man, being intrigued, asked a priest who was strolling by, "what the telephone was used for." The priest replied that it was a direct line to heaven and that for $10,000 you could talk to God. The man thanked the priest and went along his way.

Next stop was Atlanta. There, at a very large cathedral, he saw the same golden telephone with the same sign under it. He wondered if this was the same kind of telephone he saw in Orlando and he asked a nearby nun what its purpose was. She told him that it was a direct line to heaven and that for $10,000 he could talk to God "OK, thank you," said the man.

He then traveled to Indianapolis, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Boston, and New York. In every church he saw the same golden telephone with the same "$10,000 per call" sign under it.

The man upon leaving New York decided to travel out west to see if western states had the same telephone service. He arrived in Idaho, and again, in the first church he entered, there was the same golden telephone, but this time the sign under it read, "$.40 per call."  The man was surprised so he asked the priest about the sign.  "Father, I've traveled all over America and I've seen this same golden telephone in many churches. I'm told that it is a direct line to Heaven, but in the East and South the price was $10,000 per call.  Why is it so cheap here?"

 The priest smiled and answered, "You're in Idaho now, son. It's a local call."

