
Vol. 18, No. 13, September 26, 2005


The Friday Program: Channeling Companies (Ed Edelstein) | Literacy Programs on the Home Front | News From Norm | In Your Face — Assistant Sergeant At Arms Gets Some Practice | New Member Application Approved | Martinka Rotarian of the Month | Raffle Total Creeps Up | Work Toward Your Paul Harris | Family Hike | Sammamish Job Shadow Project Needs BBRC Members | Trip to Xeucalvitz | Planning Retreat Set for Leavenworth | Dallas Stark Smartest Kid in Memphis | Friday Potpourri | Web Fun

the friday program:
Channeling Companies

x0926Edelstein1If your company could speak for itself, what would it say? And would anybody listen? Ed Edelstein, a friend and business acquaintance of Paul Martin, presented a unique look at how he puts himself in the shoes of a company and listens to what it has to say. This is all for the betterment of the company, as Ed explained he was able to “channel with companies by carefully listening to what was going on inside the firm” and then consult with the owners and mangers to solve their problems.


Literacy Programs on the Home Front

x0926FerrierHopelink’s Alice Ferrier, in charge of Adult Education for the Eastside organization, paid the BBRC visit to speak about a familiar topic. “Each year, low productivity caused by adults unable to read and write costs $60 billion. 43,000 adults on the Eastside of Lake Washington have inadequate reading and writing skills. Literacy is the issue.”

Hopelink’s Literacy project is helping to pare down the number of adults who can’t read. Through a group of dedicated tutors, people are learning to read. Hopelink has a program to help these folks get their GED. There’s another program called External Diploma, where they hone life competencies. “We need more volunteers in this project ... you help us with mock job interviews ... we could use people who can teach computer skills. We even have a program that goes onsite to help employees learn English.” If you’d like to volunteer your time to make things happen, contact Alice at Hopelink (Ph 425-644-7939). If you can read this article, you’re a candidate to help tutor and increase literacy for adults who need your help.


News From Norm

When we last connected it was after the successful "escape" from the Overlake Medical Center in Bellevue.

The past two weeks have been spent in a healing mode. My number one job is to get over the impact of this major surgical procedure and then get prepared for the next step. 

I had no idea that the recuperation process would be as long and rigorous as it has been.  We are two weeks into the process and have at least two weeks to go. I still find my self on pain medication. Twice in the past two weeks I have tried to back off on the dosage to see how the pain was doing, and in both cases the pain won out. Oh-my-oh-my. Ouch!

I have been on a couple of outings, to visit friends and for medical appointments, but for limited periods of time. It seems that an "outing" is followed by two recovery days. I just keep reminding my self that my job is to heal. To heal you must rest and not over extend by thinking that you can resume your normal pace of activities.

The pathology reports are in and we think that they removed 99.9 % of the cancer, but that last .1% is up for debate. The question we now face is go on with post operative chemotherapy or not. At his point I am just focusing on regaining my strength. There is time to make that decision. 

So, things are going well. Your cards, e-mails, positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated and appear to be working.  Thanks so much.


In Your Face — Assistant Sergeant At Arms Gets Some Practice

x0926SAAAndrew Face filled in for Sergeant Ballard and giggled his way through a PowerPoint presentation called “So Much Talent ... so Little Fines.” Andrew’s mission was to show the membership the talent of his targets, while pointing out that in every case, nobody was wearing a Rotary pin. He called it "The Fourth Degree."

Chip Erickson was introduced as the multi-talented newcomer who sings, plays piano, guitar, and the TRIANGLE — $8.00 for no Rotary pin.

John DeWater has always wanted to play a 5-string bass in a 5-piece band, but not without his Rotary pin — $10.00.

Bill Brooks, another of our new talent idols, has an 8-piece band and a 4-piece bass — that adds up to $12.00 for no Rotary pin.

And then, Andrews, who could barely keep a straight face, had Jay Powers come forward to discuss the keyboard heard on KZOK. Of course, we all know KZOK is at 102.5 on the FM dial. Jay paid an even $100 for not wearing a Rotary pin on the radio.

The last we saw of Sergeant Andrew, he had gathered up his PowerPoint stuff and was giggling his way to work. Wonder how he and Jay got along on Friday.


New Member Application Approved

The application for new member Harold L. “Hal” Teel was accepted by the BBRC Board of Directors at its monthly meeting September 13. Hal is self-employed as a financial consultant and is president of his own company, Teel Financial Group, Inc. The principal activity of his business is Retirement planning, Estate planning and employee benefits. Hal is married to Sherry and they have two children, Bryan and Cullen. They live in Sammamish.

Hal’s community involvement has been in youth Soccer and Baseball. He’s a member of the Society of Financial Service Professionals, the Financial Planning Association and the Estate Planning Council of Seattle. He enjoys oil painting and drawing, as well as travel, aerobic conditioning, reading, swimming and cycling. He has a membership at the Columbia Athletic Club, Sammamish Highlands.

The final stage of the new member process is a period of comment by the membership. If you have questions or comments regarding Hal Teel’s application, kindly contact Tom Smith, Club Service II Director (Ph 425-451-8036).

Deadline for replies is 3:00 p.m., Thursday, September 29, 2005.


Martinka Rotarian of the Month

x0926Martinka1One of the hard workers in the BBRC was recognized for recent achievements. John Martinka was chosen the September Rotarian of the Month for his work on Computers for the World, taking a group from Newport High School to Slovakia last year. Now, John’s working to haul another 150 computers to establish some more computer labs. He also organized a bike trip a week or so ago.

There is no doubt John has earned his plaque for Rotarian of the Month. Congratulations, John!


Sammamish Job Shadow Project Needs BBRC Members

The Career Development Committee of Community Service is seeking 26 BBRC members to match up with 26 Lake Sammamish students for a 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. Job Shadow on Wednesday, October 19. This is where you can really make some things happen for students who are interested in broadening their horizons.

Jeff Bright is the Business teacher at Sammamish. He is preparing his students to have a knowledge of how business operates and the many options that are available. He’s got 26 students all geared to spend three hours job shadowing a Rotarian. The students come briefed on what to look for and come prepared to ask intelligent questions.

Although this may be a challenge for some of our members (just kidding), you’ll get that feel-good feeling for helping to steer a student in the right direction. Sign-ups are available this Friday on each table. This is a great way to participate directly in the life of a Sammamish student! Make plans to sign your name for Job Shadowing, Wednesday, October 19, from 12:00 oon to 3:00 p.m. Carol Hoeft is managing this effort.


Trip to Xeucalvitz

President Steve gave a thumbnail sketch of the results of his family’s trip to Guatemala to participate in a ceremony where the village of Xeucalvitz — all 400 members — received the deed to the land surrounding the village. This Agros project saw 500 acres become theirs, and a village water project funded by the BBRC delivered fresh drinking water to all 109 homes. As Steve said, “the village elder told us this project has saved lives, saved the children of our village. A very emotional moment for all of us.” Prayers were answered as the Lingenbrinks were aboard one of the last planes to embark from Houston on their return trip, before Hurricane Rita closed the airport.


Dallas Stark Smartest Kid in Memphis
Robin Stark, Webgrunt (and Mom)

x0926DallasOkay, so she might not be the smartest kid in Memphis, but she seemed pretty special last Friday when she was one of three third-graders chosen to receive a dictionary from Rotary District 6800 for the Dictionary Project. What I thought was going to be a regular Rotary Club meeting turned out to be a multi-club gathering (Rotary International Zones 29 and 30 2005 Institute) at the swanky Hilton Hotel in Memphis [gulp ... capris work for all occasions ... don't they?]

We were welcomed at the hotel by District 6800 Governor Vijay Surpuriya and his wife, Lata, and their daughter, Tenuja, who arrived later with her camera ready for action. Tenuja said she could not remember a time when her father was not involved in Rotary; they simply grew up with Rotary as a part of their lives. DG Surpuriya is a major force behind the Dictionary Project in District 6800, the goal being for every third grader to eventually receive his/her own dictionary.

In true Memphis fashion, the meeting was kicked off with an "Elvis Moment." The speakers started blasting out Elvis' "All Shook Up." I could hardly sit still! We had a delicious lunch, followed by keynote speakers expounding on "A Passion for Rotary," and finally the dictionary presentation by Rotary International Directory Bob Stuart (6460 Illinois).

It was a wonderful experience. I got so caught up in it I almost forgot I was only there for the kids! Many of the Rotarians personally came over to welcome and congratulate the three students, my daughter Dallas and fellow third-graders, Kit Tate and Sharisse Johnson. All three were thrilled with their dictionaries, especially when they realized there was sign language and braille in the back section! I got some bugs in my eyes, sniffled a little, and was once again reminded what a great organization Rotary is.


Friday x0926GreetersPotpourri

Giving the invocation and leading the pledge to the flag was new dad Greg Hendershott. New baby girl Kate has joined the family. Jenny Andrews greeted visitors, including Frank Young, Bellevue Rotary.

x0926ShelleyKellyHopelink and the Salvation Army had some more PowerPoint fun with some pictures from the Back to School shopping spree with allowed a whole bunch of kids an opportunity to get their wardrobes ready for school. The BBRC helped out on a wide selection of school supplies which went in nice backpacks. Kids K-12 were helped by the generosity of the community and the Kelly (Nolan) & Shelley (Noble) show explained how it worked. Hopelink even counted 1693 kids helped. That’s a great way to start the new school year. We’re very lucky to have the likes of The Salvation Army and Hopelink show us how we can best serve our community.


the friday program:
Channeling Companies

x0926Edelstein2If your company could speak for itself, what would it say? And would anybody listen? Ed Edelstein, a friend and business acquaintance of Paul Martin, presented a unique look at how he puts himself in the shoes of a company and listens to what it has to say. This is all for the betterment of the company, as Ed explained he was able to “channel with companies by carefully listening to what was going on inside the firm” and then consult with the owners and mangers to solve their problems.

“If you were to hear the voice of your company, you might learn why your business isn’t growing or isn’t healthy. I have this gift to hear what goes on in businesses and I share that with my clients with whom I consult.”

Edelstein asked, “What is the statement of truth in your business? Does it resonate? Does it perpetuate? I engaged a company once whose mission statement was '50 years in business, unimpeded by progress!’ Maybe there was an element of trust for that firm. What would people say about your business?”

Edelstein explained that when he engages to work for a business, it’s like eavesdropping on the company. He follows a "leadership charter" that lays out how all this works. The Charter contains these four elements being asked of the company’s owner/manager:

  • What are our intentions relative to our clients?
  • What are your real intentions with the people of the company?
  • What are your intentions of what I’m getting out of company?
  • What are the specific working agreements you would make with each other to makes us special?


Questions to be asked

The most important clients are the company’s repeat clients. It’s called Relationship Marketing. We ask, who do we workwith? The next step? Do you know the inherent culture of your clients? Do you know where they live? Is your company greeted as a welcome visitor, rather than a stranger? What are we doing about the culture? Is this really where we are or where we want to be?

How about the company’s people? What keeps people working with us? Do we give them recognition? Do we really care about them? Do we provide a safe working environment? Can they speak up because they feel confident in doing so? Do we provide an avenue for straight talk in our company?

x0926EdelelsteinLingenbrinkPeople don’t leave companies; they leave managers. Make it easier to engage in difficult conversations. Three things can happen:

  • Need our own good reason to communicate.
  • It must be safe for us.
  • The outcome must be productive.

Thank you for watching out for me. Taking time to be quiet and listen. To be current in the conversation. To learn more about your company.

To support Rotary’s Literacy Project, a certificate was presented, indicating a book has been donated to the King County Library in the Ed Edelstein’s name.


Web Fun

x0926BrazilianSpeaking of Literacy: Can you read this?

Olny srmat poelpe can. Cdnuol't blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrdwaht I was rdanieg.  The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.  The rset can be a taotl mses, and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.  Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.  Amzanig huh?  Yaeh, and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!  If you can raed tihs, psas it on!!

• • •

Courtesy of Judy and Kevin Jewell

Well, Girl Potato and Boy Potato had eyes for each other, and finally they got married, and had a little sweet potato, which they called 'Yam.' Of course, they wanted the best for Yam.

When it was time, they told her about the facts of life. They warned her about going out and getting half-baked, so she wouldn't get accidentally mashed, and get a bad name for herself like 'Hot Potato,' and end up with a bunch of Tater Tots. Yam said not to worry, no Spud would get her into the sack and make a rotten potato out of her! But on the other hand she wouldn't stay home and become a Couch Potato either. She would get plenty of exercise so as not to be skinny like her Shoestring cousins.

When she went off to Europe, Mr. and Mrs. Potato told Yam to watch out for the hard-boiled guys from Ireland. And the greasy guys from France called the French Fries. And when she went out west, to watch out for the Indians so she wouldn't get scalloped.

Yam said she would stay on the straight and narrow and wouldn't associate with those high class Yukon Golds, or the ones from the other side of the tracks who advertise their trade on all the trucks that say, 'Frito Lay.'

Mr. and Mrs. Potato sent Yam to Idaho P.U. (that's Potato University) so that when she graduated she'd really be in the Chips. But in spite of all they did for her, one day Yam came home and announced she was going to marry Tom Brokaw.

Tom Brokaw! Mr. and Mrs. Potato were very upset. They told Yam she couldn't possibly marry Tom Brokaw because he's just ... are you ready for this?





John Mix

Jim Kindsvater, Chris Monger


Port of Seattle program. Join the BBRC for breakfast at Glendale Country Club. Buffet breakfast at 7:00 a.m., meeting at 7:30, followed by this week’s program. Bring a guest!


Committee Chair Reminder:

For committee chairs, under the “Leadership” tab on the Website Home Page, is a section called “Committees.” When you have a new member assigned to your committee, you’re now expected to access this file (its password protected) and enter the name of the new member. Same goes if you lose a committee member because of resignation or other reasons. The idea is to keep this section up to date. For details, contact ClubAdmin.


For Reveille: Officers, members of the Board of Directors and Committee Chairs are always welcome to utilize the weekly pages of Reveille to communicate with the club. If you’re sending emails to your committee about a future meeting, CC a copy to ClubAdmin so it can be listed on the calendar, or shaped into a news story, or both. Your Reveille is only as good as the information that’s provided. There’s a whole big world of activity that goes on each week that doesn’t necessarily get covered in our weekly meetings. Help us communicate your work by communicating with Reveille. A simple CC to ClubAdmin will make this work.


Second Quarter billing goes out early next week. Thanks for your attention to this mailing.



If BBRC could talk, what would it say? And would anybody listen?



Colly Radford, 19 years

John DeWater, 15 years

Margie Burnett, 11 years

Peter Powell, 11 years

Shelley Noble, 7 years

Tom Miller, 2 years



Raffle Total Creeps Up

Just a little over a month and the Raffle will be history. Nearing the 25% turn, a recap was distributed to all tables. The National League holds on to a miniscule 700 run lead, with a total of $23,218 in the bank. Lots of baseball to play, with the season ending on October 28. Don Deasy got his own recap, after complaining the numbers were too small. A 3x 4 foot blowup of the report was courtesy of Peter Powell.




Work Toward Your Paul Harris

x0926BrownDick Brown reminded members to lay out a plan to become a Paul Harris Fellow. Over 960,000 Rotarians have contributed at least $1000 to join this elite group and proudly display their Paul Harris Fellows Certificate. Dick urged members to “work toward becoming a PH Fellow. It’s the Rotarian thing to do.”




Planning Retreat Set for Leavenworth

President-elect Jim Zidar has arranged for the coming spring’s planning retreat to be held in that special place of all places, Leavenworth. A Rotary Club is only as good as its plan. You should make plans right now to attend this premier event on March 25 and 26. Details will follow.




Family Hike

Eleven people gathered on Cougar Mountain for the first-even BBRC Family Hike, promoted by the Preserve Planet Earth Committee. For the record, the following Rotarians were in attendance:  Chip Erickson, Chris Monger, Phil Salvatori, David Bolson and Alex Rule. Also in attendance were naturalist Peter Holte, Pam Monger, Connie Salvatori, Philip Bolson and Liam Rule. Says chairman Erickson, “Not bad for a first time event ... we'll plan on doing this again sometime in the spring.”











