Rourke O’Brien
Rourke Does Ireland
Another home-grown program showing once again, the BBRC has a powerful bunch of members ready to tell their special stories. Friday, it was Rourke O’Brien, relating his odyssey around the Emerald Isle, as he visited his roots in Ireland.
Rourke began by saying that his trip was created by an “impulse to visit my namesake, Ireland, and Ireland will never be the same! His first slide showed how he prepared for the journey. “Generally, I had no preparation. I bought a backpack. My itinerary was to arrive in Dublin and be back at the airport in three weeks! Transportation was to be accomplished by a thumb.” Rourke went back to the basics.
He planned a trip around the whole island, which is the size of West Virginia. “I checked for my family members in the phone book – O’Brien is the fifth largest listing!”
Some of the highlights included numerous Heritage Centers, where historical information about the Irish Clans is displayed. “There are Castles – lots of them – churches, 90% of which are Catholic. These are gorgeous buildings.” MORE
Annual Planning Retreat Is History
The 14th Annual Planning Retreat ended at noon on Saturday, as the 40+ members and guests wrapped up an intense bit of seeking new ways to do the Club’s work.
Preliminary activities included a Friday golf outing and a women-only shopping tour in LaConner. Various prizes were awarded for that activity at the evening meal.
One special guest was former BBRC member and Past District Governor Jim Givan, who is currently terrorizing his new district, 5080, from his outpost at Yakima. Jim’s attendance was based on his knowledge that “this is the best darn Rotary Club in the world, and I’m just wanting to pick up some tidbits for the Rotarians in my new district.” MORE
Eyeglasses Wrapped in a $5.00 Bill
 Rick McManus, with a box of eyeglasses.
Rick McManus continued his quest for donations to a project seeking to raise $12,500 from Rotarians in District 5030. Members are asked to bring their used eyeglasses wrapped in a $5.00 bill. So far, the Club has raised nearly $200. The District donation will be matched by a similar donation from a District in India and matched again by the Rotary Foundation. The goal is to purchase a Zag laser machine to help a population that has a high incidence of cataracts and blindness. Acceptance of used eyeglasses wrapped in a $5.00 bill will continue through April 18. If you’d like to contribute but don’t have any old eyeglasses, Rick has a boxful! Just bring your $5.00 bills to the next meeting!
Biking to Victoria
Ray Brook, the venerable bicycler, having just returned from a two-wheel trip through the Baja, invited Rotarians to take a Bicycle ride to Victoria for the District Conference. The flotilla plans to leave at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 24, cross the Sound to Bainbridge, and then cycle to Port Angeles. It’s a 70-mile ride. After an overnight at Port Angeles, the group will take a ferry to Victoria. Contact Ray through the Mercer Island Club.
Thought for the Week
May the luck of the Irish be with you.
With Rotary’s emphasis on vocations, the organization has always focused on ethics in business and in life. The BBRC annually has scheduled programs that seek to expand our knowledge of ethics in action. The need for injecting higher standards of ethics is obvious. An interactive program on ethics, led by John Dienhart, Albers School of Business at Seattle University, will introduce challenges of ethical dilemmas. The problem-solving session begins promptly at 7:45 a.m. A perfect time to invite a guest who could become a new member. Breakfast is served at 7:00 a.m., the meeting will get an early start and the program will begin at 7:45. Don’t miss this important meeting at the Glendale Country Club
ADMIN CORNER “You know the world's gone mad when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the USA of arrogance and the Germans don't want to go to war!"