Bill Patterson
Patterson Makes a Splash
Bill Patterson, former member of the UW swim team from Portland, OR, and a commercial architect, presented an ambitious plan to build a “world-class swimming pool on the UW campus.” Bill and his introducer Peter Powell were on the same swim team in Southern California. At this point, Dan Lewis stood up to show off his Southern Cal tie.
“My family has always been into swimming. My two daughters are nationally ranked in backstroke and breaststroke. For myself, I was seventh in the world in backstroke back in 1970 on the UW team that was rated 4th in NCAA.”
Patterson explained that “Husky swimming has always been a passion of mine.” He proceeded to lay out a plan that would give the Huskies something they do not have today – a 50-meter pool. MORE
Career Cafe
Evelyn Cogswell, moving from her familiar job as Principal at Sammamish High School to a new position with the Bellevue School District as Area Director, made a pitch for SHS’s next Career Café opportunity on January 16. “The focus of this career seminar is on health care professions. If any of our members who are in the health care profession would like to join us to help give our graduating seniors some good advice, we’d appreciate it. The Café lasts from one to three hours, beginning at 10:30 a.m. on the 16th.”
Last month, the first in a series of Career Café presentations featured several BBRC members sharing their vocations with seniors at SHS.
Hayden’s Reputation Still Stands
In an effort to besmirch the fine reputation Ernie Hayden has established as the latest Club photographer, kidnappers held Ernie hostage at his home this past Friday, while an unidentified man, who looked and dressed like Ernie, but who obviously had no photography skills whatsoever, and using a disposable camera, of all things, took pictures at the meeting.
In order to secure Ernie’s safe release from the kidnappers, the Publications Committee was forced to publish the atrocious photographs you see here in this week’s Reveille.
When asked to comment on his frightening time in captivity, Ernie said, “I have taken steps to insure that a situation such as this never occurs again. While I was, naturally, concerned for my own safety, my thoughts were also with my fellow members who would be forced to view such … horrible … photos …” At this point, Ernie broke down, so obviously disturbed at the possible suffering of his friends at the BBRC.
Rest assured that Ernie will be back with us next week, with renewed determination to publish the finest photos for the Reveille.
Thought for the Week
Abe Lincoln said, ‘The best thing about the future is it comes one day at a time.
A report from three travelers from the Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club will shed new light on the world of Ethiopia. Kim Shrader, Margie Burnett, and Jim Owens will give an in-depth overview of their impressions of their trip in late October to participate in a Rotary National Immunization Day. Over 60 District 5030 Rotarians responded to the call to help, administering vaccine to over 7 million Ethiopian children. You’ll hear it all first-hand this Friday at 7:00 a.m., Glendale Country Club. Don’t miss it! Guests are always welcome.
ADMIN CORNER The third quarter of the Rotary year has begun, with the arrival of your familiar BBRC dues bill. Remember, the Club Procedure Manual gives each member 30 days in which to remit the balance. You may pay by check or credit card. For those paying by credit card, please physically use your card at the Cashier’s Desk. Make the transaction with the cashier. DO NOT SEND YOUR credit card information to the Club Administrator. The credit card machine at the cashier’s desk is the only vehicle we can use to handle your transaction.
Thanks for your cooperation.
This Week’s Quote: “Grocery store clerks make you pick paper or plastic because baggers can't be choosers." – Jay Salinger